20分の10! このくらいなら、ヤル気もいい感じにキープできる。

complicity 共謀、共犯

Priceeding on the premise that the broker was guilty of complicity in the swindle, the detective followed him surreptitiously.

accomplice 共犯者、ぐる anaccomplice in the robbery 強盗の一味

Although he was judged as a minor accomplice, the driver had actually played an integral part in planning the crime.

recant 撤回する

When the clergyman refused to recant, his sperious were so nettled that they relegated him to an isolated parish in Alaska.

abrogate ~を廃止する、無効にする

The wealthy uncle decided to abrogate his inane nephew's sinecure.

preclude ~を不可能にする、妨げる

The manager was distraught when he realized that the slugger's sickness would preclude a World Series victory.

declaim 大声で誇張して話す

I knew that my father would declaim against Mother's choice of ostentatious fabrics.

fetter 足かせをされている

The senator inveighed against the policy because he felt it would fetter our Air Force.

paragon 模範、権化

The town planners looked upon their utopia as a paragon of other communities.

asperity 荒々しさ

We were amazed at the display of asperity from our normally phlegmatic neighbor.

epithet あだ名

A bitter quarrel was precipitated when both politicians hurled vile epithet at each other.
