またも、4日ぶり。覚えていない単語がたくさんあるのに嫌気がさして、ついつ遠ざけている汗 分かってるんですけどね。

diatribe 痛烈な非難

When a large expenditure is imminent, my father goes into a long diatribe on the need for economy.

inhibition 抑制

After two drinks the usually phlegmatic dentist lost all his inhibition .

fortuitous 偶発的な

The meeting was fortuitous one, but the jealous hasband construed it as prearranged and clandestine.

remuneration 報酬

Derek Jeter's remuneration from the New York Yankees made him a millionaire many times over.

nominal 名ばかりの

For allowing his ferocious mastiff to appear on a commercial, the trainer was paid a nominal sum.

egregious 実にひどい

expunge ~を抹消する

After having made the rash statements, the senator wished that he could expunge them from the record.

anathema 破門

The traitor's name was anathema in his father's domicile.

schism 分裂

A pernicious schism developed between the two sisters.

timorous 腰抜けの

Under duress the normally timorous hasbandwas coerced into demanding a raise.

truncated 一部を切り詰めた

Ir is frustrating to have one's lengthy remarks printed in truncated form.

jaunty 陽気な

With his cap set at a jaunty angle, the amicable sailor strutted down the street.

fractious 怒りっぽい

Roger's fractious behavior compounded the bad relationship he had already had with his parter.

