

poignant 身を切るような

The sermon was poignant enough to bring tears to the brash delinquent's eyes.

garbled 歪曲された

Although the message was garbled, its salient points were clear enough.

sanguine 楽天的な

Because the malignancy had gone unchecked, the surgeons were not sanguine about the patient's chances.

phlegmatic 冷静な

Harrist's egregious error disturbed even her phlegmatic employer.

corroborate 補強となる

Even the swindler's nefarious accomplice refused to corroborate his alibi.

coerce ~を強要する

The elusive fugitive was coerced by his attorney into surrendering.

elapse 経過する

Inadvertently, Emma had allowed two months to elapse before paying her rent.

congecture 推測

It was sheer conjecture on the detective's part but it led to the arrest of the vexatious counterfeiters.

obviate ~を取り除く

The necessity for preparing sandwiches was obviated when the picnic was postponed.

quip 警句、あてこすり

Hamlet remembered that Yorick was always ready with a lusty quip.