pugnacious けんか早い

Since everyone can outpunch my cousin, he cannot afford to be pugnacious.

promulgate ~を公布する、公表する

We implored the faculty advisor to promulgate the requirements for the presidency of the club.

brash でしゃばりの、生意気な

My mother liked the salesman's brash personality, but he irritated most people.

castigate ~を懲戒する、酷評する

The kindly foreman was too reticent to openly castigate the clumsy new worker.

sordid  汚い、卑しむべき

Stories of their sordid youth poured forth from the unhappy felons.

scurrilous 口の悪い、下品な

Vigilant censors protect the public from listening to scurrilous language on television.