
laconic 簡潔な、口数の少ない

His speech was usually rambling, but this time I found it brief and laconic.

throng 群集、大勢

A howling throng of teenage girls surrounded the rap artists.

reticent 無口な

Even under repeated questioning, the witness remained reticent.

furtive こそこそした、内密の

In a furtive manner she removed her shoes and tiptoed up to her room.

plethora 過多、過度

Whe the teacher asked why the homework had not been done, he was greeted by a plethora of incredible alibis.

adroit 器用な なぜかアンドロイド android →不器用、と逆の意味を発想してしまう汗

My nephew is quite adroit at making model airplanes.

rudimentary 初歩的な

Since my grasp of algebra is rudimentary, I cannot solve the problem.