As regarding of
pltim marriage style sheet

Some frames registered style sheet as of Pltim Marriaged.

as concerns of

Cordinating creditable harmony of


each BG―pltim 方位  at country (where couple pltim marriaged at place)cordinated Pltim marriage sheet as style.

(apt each BG ―pltim 方位― cordinated)


Types of Pltim marriage style sheet〆

Pltim Marriaged style sheet cordinator.

 1 initiative 
 2 housekeeping




1 wife
2 husband


BG4―20 style 


1 husband

2 wife

at Asian country



BG21 22 style apt

1 wife

2 even
(and Swiss)


1 even

2 husband

Both1and2  even

at American country

BG2 3 8 23 24 style apt

1 even

2 wife


1 husband
2 even
Both1and2  even

at European country


proportion balance between couple among 

pltim marriage,
each BG House and each movi group (and as Qaf as person marriaged)alike inclination

As concerning proportion
1 Initiative
2 Housekeeping
among Houses regarding
Pltim Marriage sheet 
would be applied wife's BG World number
as of following:

World 1.
1 Wife
2 Husband
World 2.
1 Husband
2 Even

World 3 4 5 6 7.
1 Husband
2 Wife .

World 8 .
1 Even
2 Even.

Proportion of Pltim Marriage effective on Initiative and rank, 
Houses of movi group
each wife and husband alike as well.

Good happiness remedy.

Lovely belle esprit

Good luck⭐

Good Love

Good luck memo 
As regarding of
regulation as concerns of
deal with pltim marriage.
BG 1 , 6 , 17 18, 21 22
wouldn't pltim marriage  
contract as well wouldn't
deal with brandnew pltim marriage vpla at presence since 2020.

BG 2 3 8 23 24, 4 5 7, 9-16 ,  19 20
have been still keeping on possible of deal with pltim marriage contract at presence 2020 .
would have still possibility
of brandnew pltim marriage at presence 2020,
to BG 2 3 8 23 24, 4 5 7, 9-16 ,19 20. 


 As regardings of

marriage couple and parents 



marriage couple
as either parents save and keep safety
life living of any members as family ,children
son and daugter(whether
children's mother as pregnancy or famile family) and either 

marriage partnor . 

As according to Creating 

💧Pltim marriage wife or husbandが亡くなったら

―Pltim marriage partnor wife or husband亡くなる

💧Pltim familyのどなたかが

―pltim couple parents亡くなる
💦Pltim marriaged person かpltim familyが亡くなったら,



のinitiative balance of harmonyは弱まる





-Pltim Marriage partner

Husband Wife(and both of Movi group)
Pltim Marriage Vpla subject creditである場合の 離婚成立は Pltim Marriage Vpla cancelになる場合もある
: According to rule, allowing cancelation as of
Pltim Marriage vpla subject would be required both as of following: 
Pltim Marriage Vpla subject concerning Husband Wife and both of Movi group
cancelation Pltim Marriage within 2 years 

As regarding kinds of Livitor figures.

4 kinds of human figures
as Livitor child 
at pregnancy(mother) at a pltim time(a planet).

making sure Treatment stamp as profile  

properly treasure growing adjust to Treatment stamp as well Needs Insurance at presence
meanwhile in standard book.

Star Times

Pltim Marriage
2000cash and
600cash /10 years.
3200cash 20 years 
3800cash 30 years.
As concerning of
as participant with Instagram apt would occasioned to be given 
3000‐7000cash/a month.

According to husband and daddy as PltimMarriage episode style apt,
10,000cash /monthly
40,000cash / monthly
including income possessions as salary or wage at pltim(sending salary income to own bank account as employee) , though
salary at pltim refering below 10,000 monthly. 

World 3 apt
🌟Wife 2000 cash income support/for a monthly,
🌟Mamma of 2 children 6000 cash income support/ for a monthly.

Meanwhile,some parcents of HT and movi group members each wife and husband apt would have been received the same amounts of monthly cash
income concerning Pltim Marriage cash support likewise movi (TS use taward/


concerning Pltim Marriage.
HT and movi group members concerning wife  /2,000 cash for a monthly.
HT and movi group members concerning husband/ 40,000 cash
for a monthly.

As regarding Pltim Marriage support company of World 3

and Fammi support company( larger number than 4 companies,), 

representative of support group each wife(or as mamma) and husband(or as daddy)and pltim family  members(child)
would have been meeting
and negotiation as to family happy relation and situation.

( larger number than 4 companies,) 
support group at Pltim Marriage companions at PltimMarriage support company of World3 institution apt consist World 3 members among movi group members each wife,husband and pltim family members.   



As reference of 
World 3 style apt at presence with application things, 
tapture(auther)of 3 URL address pages  
among Blog, Instagram,
Twit or Face boo, 4000cash/a month
salary at pltim ordinary. 
(💬‐ often 
auther would be given purchased commodity and item : shopping list referring cordinated  for preparing  URL lecture with cash card support.  
As of some, 6 persons~ for a group members preparing lecture room for URL page 
would allocate be given purchased commodity and item for preparing lecture room as well with a cash card support or salary
with cash point card payment accounting expenses including as cost)
at pltim.
Wind notememo

Total monthly 4000cash income amount on cash possessed of parents mammy and daddy,


would have been brought to grant Child 2 up to 20ages with 200cash monthly for son, daughter.

―two years's grace

penal 20000cash /a month
delay💧for monthly cash support to kids during childhood .  

Happiness wellbeing

point memo ⚡⏰
Pltim marriaged―
less than 0,1 percent
among total population.

Star Time
星時間のcounselling memo.
Pivitor fammi apt would be consisted members what occupation thier choosing choice as pltim work, meanwhile son or daughter would like be as thier job at pltim and parent's occupation had been worked.
Pivitor fammi and family apt wouldn't be consisted members each BG HouseLabel members at pltim.  

As before TS toward eyesight of few persons ,a person marriaged and movi group members each Wife and husband apt would passible look with

TS toward his or her family (or famile)for protecting and indicating good passage marriaged partnor and son daughter (fammi famile family)for secure keeping on happiness wellbeing.


As of some BG,one of reasons to marriage passage. 

As before TS toward few persons ,a person since marriaged would apt passible have been looking with

TS toward his or her family (or famile)for protecting and at addition 30 persons .

apply with telepathy.

As of some BG,some of reasons to marriage passage.

PltimMarriaged person

and movi group members

each Wife and husband

would have ask passages of schedule,

since marriaged

_ own advicer and counsel support for a person marriaged.  

_ possible to ask own advisor as beware and aware person(fee)有識者 with telephone or telepathy

since marriaged.  

_ Work Suites

as sort of 8 styles adjust to grade class with Standard rule Criteria.


wife WS,mother WS

husband WS, daddy WS
など for a person marriaged,.

_ possible clairsight as of Labels mochifs.

_ provided Cash Income.

(as whether famile and family)

 WS grade― 8class 

WS work styles with grade criteria assessing every 6 years period for WS each person   . (Occasionaly as to some persons might have opportunity as support at pltim as well.Any pltim marriaged persons -wife WS or husband WS (respective BG WS.)

wife WS,mother WS

husband WS, daddy WS

pltim marriage sheet 📑 と


marriage partnorを神と伺ってたお方様もいる✨




refering with

styles and sort of Work Suites Catalog, 

lecture cards

Needs Insurance Catalog 

with provide list card each Treatment stamp page,


standard lecture cards 

Standard Rule criteria. 


As regarding Pltim Marriage support companies and Family Fammi support companies of World 3, 

( larger number than 4 companies,),

representative of support group each wife(or as mamma) and husband(or as daddy)

would have been meeting
and negotiation as to family happy relation and sisuation. 
( larger number than 4 companies,) support group at Pltim Marriage companions at PltimMarriage support company and Family Fammi support companies of World3 institution apt consist World 3 members among movi group members each wife and husband.   



As regarding
each World member whether Livitor and Pivitor before 18 years appearance age at pltim(pltim appearance years age) 
apt have recieved ordinary monthly cash support at pltim at presence 2021 Chikyu calendar year. 
World 1 members
apt didn't have recieved
cash from World 1 support.
World:2 3 4 members
above 600 cash.
World 5 members 
about100 cash. 
World 6 members apt 
about 40 cash .
World 7 members apt below 100 cash .
World 8 members apt 
400 cash. 




World 3 apt would support
ordinary cash for  transportation, taxi  and with recietes amounts  while World 3 member meeting any person.
World 2 4 5 6 7
apt would support each World member ordinary cash (annual)at regular amount
World member apt pay with own cost though during 
ordinary meeting any person at pltim. 

would advice as wellgrowing  parents  ( or mamma
among World 3 member)
as pltim fammi famile family member would  treat child or partner wellgrowing child or partner as pltim fammi famile family members  except World 3 members as to be good to relax time at estate customaly as well ,
the reason caused 
Livitors or Pivitors as almost World 2 4 5 6 7 member 
apt would be recieved profits with World Insurance regular amount cash support style 
particularly World1 8
Livitor members ordinary wouldn't have be recieved
neither cash support and
available Cash point Account at pltim.



Good happiness growing.

Good luck

fresh 🕑

Lucky memo


According to
Ordinary Note
Annual basic ‐ 生活 Note (notebooks and printing sheets).

First year, preparing term.
📝popping memo topics
shopping/Annual gift/Favorite memo.

light praying note💎

as well with

Language Note 📔

💬shopping list
categorized each shop
refering topics/ weekly
/2 weekly/ monthly /and otherwise(interim ‐spring summer fall winter/
annualy and so on). 
price .

Annual gift
📝list each shops.
📝gifted archive refering as of timing(sending‐ recieving) and postage.
📃Address list 
(printing 3 sheets for 1 original, 2 refills)
📃Own address sheet
( printing 2 sheets for  original and a refill). 

routine preparing memo
‐charging 100 cash ~to ordinary box( popping in 
‐cash and  memonote/recites  )
charging to Metro card 200cash,
100 cash regularly.
light praying note💎

💓pretty good
Remedy wellbeing.

regarding example
clothes/ interia/ flegrance/bevarages/


relaxing siffon.

Good luck memo.

good on annual schedule and happiness plan preparing as well refering with.

Language Note 📔

as well with

light praying note💎

in passage

Good happiness wellbeing⭐


Refine card

As respects of ordinary and routine.

📆 scheduling 
task list
allocate making up for
‐would confirm to

make a appointment of cleaning  service - blankets for 6 months - cycle.
‐would drive bringing to particular places twice for a month.
‐would purchase some towels once during a year.

‐shopping lists


once for a week,

twice for a month,

and once for four months (interim supports)学期ごと.

To a person wife or husband of family or famile 

support schedule shopping once for a week.‐and elses

⭐‐would make time on happiness work at room once for four months scheduled well interim pleasure.


(4ヵ月ごと)interim happiness supports.


-secure treasuring pray 

‐as well tutor lecture pleasant progress how to wishing properly making every happy wellbeing,

‐preparing good happy support note,or happy advice how to living, 

explaining as means of letter box, rules, standard,cash,previously pray,wishing and apply,preparing. ‐To recommend as regarding books or shops .など_〆
‐Happiness message and advice with good luck words at entrance door of estate once for a month.
‐would make schedule,letters or orientation as family annual events to mail 
would inform as of timing happiness work at room on annual schedule
as well 
preparing scripts

pray and wishing.

⏰lecture letter and design form sheet pages(template)




Good lecture
Good luck


⭐Memo card 
Good at ease to refine ordinary as result relaxing style, One of pleasant 
ways as simplified happy correspondence
among family, specific school   or parents.
As preparing in a directory.


besides pocket with facility. 
At popping in box 


‐school letter 

‐ask memo note, 
‐200cash for a month,

‐retaining 200cash on preparing 10cashs and 1cashs in a pocket case or a envelope(life living maintenance), 
⭐commodity memo

case with two fastener pockets
versatile at pencase,
wallet など.
at 1 cash shop.

‐ankerto board 

‐Annual schedule note 

with conposited 

interim happiness supports and ,fammi events as happiness work and reference memo .(A6 note~)example

Happiness work at interim schedule.

To make time as means of praying and wishing as to proper success and adjust step passage to keep sight of the flag at directing happiness dream.

To visit at spiritual point and church as well wishing timing.‐

Cleaning blankets

once during 6 months.など_〆

‐schedule as of places to drive twice

for a month.

‐shopping lists

as scheduling 

once for a week,

twice for a month,

and once for four months (interim supports)学期ごと.

‐shopping sheet 

with additional refering memo‐receipt with pointed light marker and memo at space for shoping.

‐shopping list

once for a week.

(To a person wife or husband of family or famile 
support schedule shopping once for a week.)‐shopping list once for a month and interim
, scheduling script with additional refering .

‐letter pages as regarding (interim)

happiness work.

blog page 
-optional sheets:
annual gift list
would like be favored
refering with gift catalog
each Treatment stamp.


year‐gift once annually

listed and

ready to delivery things.
‐additional refering note

in letter box ,at directory cabinet or
in a drawer of bookrack on computer. 


As of orientation


Good cordinating

adjust happiness

'Would you please make sure directory and letter box 

(on cabinet or 

at cabinet)

‐schedule note or sheet

memo with pointed signal light pen. 
‐200cash 2nd monthly , 
⏰forms for submit until 20pm the day before due date in letter box (or bag )

‐retaining 200cash in a pocket case

as 10cash and 1cash for living or school days as well maintenance, 

 🎒sometimes note or any with pointed signal indication in letter box or drawer for letter on computer (within three days),

properly happiness. 

Beautiful fortune'

Happiness Luck. 




would make a preference
retaining with 200cash for family life especially with children kids( maintenance )regularly in a pocket case or a envelope at drawer for letter or in letter box preparing on sure 10cashs and 1cashs separated with monthly
cash support each 200cash with Standard required.
through cash point account or with cash point card at a tap page 

account of reciever or beneficiary with noted title within 10words on pocket computer,refering with a page on computer as ordinary account for cash point. 



As regards of
apt would have
🎹grand piano‐ 
at room or rounge, 
couples of World 3 members.

as tone toward 
family(partner,son, daughter,sister and brother)at pltim.

BG4 style
apt would have atitude still quiet silence at estate.
Whether parent or elder at family or fammi apt would have been still 
childhood‐ like atitude as well treatment support and archtects of BG4 members apt would have brought or foster as child care in growing passage ‐care for children 
grand je te- care for BG4 members .

support of BG5 
apt would have atitude
admire as well 
having brought up or foster to praise BG5 
members children and often speak well of for other BG members.

apt would have often style having brought up or foster in atitude 
still calm for BG7 members 
as to rebuke or scold toward other BG members as 
daughter, younger sister and younger brother
as well care for keeping warm tailleas to put on warm fabrics 
for wellbeing living, 
while BG7 members apt having enjoyable shopping and making fun. 
Large size wife 159 centimeters~apt living quiet at a estate with pivitor fammi
Asian 洋風 style.  
BG7 member as  parent apt had moved to  more larger size estate ‐a estate with two rooms or more
rooms when new son or daughter‐ other BG member livitor, though
elder brother or sister as BG7 member apt live relax at own room.
(parents,sister or brother and other BG member/ a room.) 

As concerning World 3
support style to parents at pltim recently.
Parents going to particular place, shopping or travel with not less than a child even a son or daughter before 16 years age would be given costs in a while,occationaly regards of receipts at some pltim country. 


As regarding
BG barbara
concerning protection, treatment as well etiquette care for proportion skin dental care as etiquette.
BG4 would have ask
etiquette and protection 
for residences and family
members at pltim
as of group of BG4 management as well BG4.
residences on district area at country,
as well members of religion,church  ) 

As concerning language
BG Classified or House
members of management
and Livitors 
among residences on district area at country 
would be committed to given particular speaking language 
and pronanciation belonging specification (protection and treatment as well etiquette care for proportion skin dental care)at area and country. 
Dialect would be fluently speaking among some of BG Classified or House
members ordinary of management
occasionary whether restricted within specific pltim area,particular usage or ordinary speaking language.   

BG7 apt wouldn't care for
etiquette and protection 
for residences and family
members at pltim
as of group of BG7 management as well BG7.
Dapla catalog episode apt would have maken
dental pain(口内炎)
Livitor among  children (son or daughtor)except World 3 of BG7 family 
-on timing advice pivitor students at school especialy among World3 
members at pltim 
meanwhile whether Livitor would be Loyality as well credit Vpla Mode Logo 1-17 or Dapla ModeLogo 18-24. 


Excellent time💒

Good luck note

Gratitude good jewel good happy wellgrowing🎼

As regarding 
Pltim family 親戚 support, 
would be good to 
inquire or ankert option
concerning cash amount of pltim asset property annually whether above 10,000 cash each person while pltim families
among 親戚.
Cash support up to 10,000 cash each person among 親戚 would be pleasure making sure cordinating as well to person having pltim asset property below 10,000 cash. 


As concerning
ordinary required
BG and Needs Insurance support for family.
BG of baby would be passible to apply to support on baby birth
and preparing
pamphlet for parents 
refering to care insurance and support as well
page with Invitation card memo
🏫estate living at, accommodated with
shops regarding Needs Insurance Treatment stamp
Relaxing siffon catalog
Relaxing siffon shop
🏢 Meeting cafe : BG of a baby managed. 
📃Applicable Form list.
Application Form for
CP card.
Large bag for care in respects or remedy of Needs Insurance. 
BG each parents would be good at support and cure as well at BG barbara.
Star Time
星時間のcounselling memo.
Pivitor fammi apt would be consisted members what occupation thier choosing choice as pltim work, meanwhile son or daughter would like be as thier job at pltim and parent's occupation had been worked.
Pivitor fammi and family apt wouldn't be consisted members each BG HouseLabel members at pltim.  
BG church sect
12 lectures and annual note. 
scarf colours:
a person given sheet concerning 
- Inherent
- 教会員 .
services as Needs Insurance. 
standard rule
CP card
and so on
happily merits as well managing for members of church-
Applicable form for support. 
CP card
and so on.

Almost World3 member as Parents as fammi and family at pltim apt would 
give little tips below 100 cash monthly for child as well other BG child
in childhood passage growing.

Good happiness fortune. 



As regarding
each World member whether Livitor and Pivitor before 18 years appearance age at pltim(pltim appearance years age) 
apt have recieved ordinary monthly cash support at pltim at presence 2021 Chikyu calendar year. 
World 1 members
apt didn't have recieved
cash from World 1 support.
World:2 3 4 members
above 600 cash.
World 5 members 
about100 cash. 
World 6 members apt 
about 40 cash .
World 7 members apt below 100 cash .
World 8 members apt 
400 cash. 



World 3 apt would support
ordinary cash for  transportation, taxi  and with recietes amounts  while World 3 member meeting any person.
World 2 4 5 6 7
apt would support each World member ordinary cash (annual)at regular amount
World member apt pay with own cost though during 
ordinary meeting any person at pltim. 

would advice as wellgrowing  parents  ( or mamma
among World 3 member)
as pltim fammi famile family member would  treat child or partner wellgrowing child or partner as pltim fammi famile family members  except World 3 members as to be good to relax time at estate customaly as well ,
the reason caused 
Livitors or Pivitors as almost World 2 4 5 6 7 member 
apt would be recieved profits with World Insurance regular amount cash support style 
particularly World1 8
Livitor members ordinary wouldn't have be recieved
neither cash support and
available Cash point Account at pltim.



Good happiness growing.

Good luck

Pivitors fammi famile
would have been averaged 80 parcents  (among Family) 
Pltim family including
Livitor would have been
about 20 parcents
at presence Chikyu. 


Good happiness fortune


required at
Post Office
Viso vending.
Ankert tap card
Plaza number(World Number) calculating tap ankert answer 
and indicate address at plaza at screen as well
advice as to visit on plaza until due after‐three months . 
In passages of ankert answer tap,making design in card illustrated refering with,
meantime,Ankert tap card would have made cash point card registrating at plaza.
Likewise as well required delivery secured personal palette with tap pen fulfilled as Needs Insurance.

service custamers appointment booking list as storing strage of following. 
stationary furniture
used at company,shop,offices,school or churches. 

As regarding respective World apt style alike.

As apt style of World1 World 2 World5 World6 members.
洋風 .
During sleeping, bed. 


World 3 

BG4 members apt would be adviced to have or apt would have favor and appearance style as of
Academic city
Asian,中華風 Wafu and 洋風.
During sleeping,futon.

Pltim Marriage with partner BG4.

BG5 members apt would be adviced to have or appearance style and would have favor as of
Attache case
Hair wax 
apt would be adviced making face with cosmes.
apt living at Corpo or Mansion.
During sleeping, Bed.
Pltim Marriage with partner BG5.

BG7 members apt would be adviced to have and would have favor or appearance style as of
Shoulder bag. 
apt would be adviced making face with cosmes.
apt living at apartment, corpo, 団地 or a estate.
Large size wife 159 centimeters~apt living quiet at a estate with pivitor fammi
Asian 洋風 style.  
Asian Wafu 中華風 
During sleeping, futon. 

Asian,中華風 and 洋風.
During sleeping, futon and bed. 

As apt style of 
World7 World8 members. 
洋風, Wafu, 
Asian and 中華風 .
During sleeping, futon and bed. 

Memo as regarding language and style at Classified meeting.
Classified 1 3 5 6 7 
apt would be Alphabet board user.
Classified 2
China tic style
Chinese language.
Classified 4
WAFU Miyavi
Classified 8
Alphabet and Arabic.
Classified 9
-particularly Classified 1-9 among World1 2 5 6 7 8.
As regarding particular note passage among any Classified1-9 in World3 World4. 
World3 World4
appearance face scheduled birth design and language style from Classified 2 style.


happiness way.



⭐commodity  memo

As of just pop in boxs preparing for
‐bills and receipts.
regularly to tidy once for four month with bundle each topics.
‐used notes for pltim school.
‐for school letter.‐Introduction
manual for commodities.
commodity box-Preparing commodities for Birth month



thanks cards things .


profile cards.
(family famile)
towels. mini towels.



and pen colours.

white gloves.

multiple file. (A3~ )

filenotes, Notes

A6 A5 A4. A3 Pad.
‐plain sheets printed serial number at pages(not printed lines.)simple style note‐ just plain note not set banding cover.

Pocket directory.

Tap pen.

smartphone pen⭐commodity and wrapping kit ‐case with two fastener pockets

flexible popping in pocket case
versatile at good for  


stationary case A6 Note,wallet など .
at 1 cash shop.‐Tidy basket.
(Airway designed basket about ‐REGARIA slim bascket.‐

14・30・ higth 12‐15 

⭐‐unit centi. 
good multiple box for pop on tidy categorized for mini towels
,langeries or A4 5 6 Note and
pen statinaries⭐ commodities just put-on or in drawer as well wrapping kit with thanks card,
for Birth month.


Quick happiness memo

A6 Note

‐good for 
Birth month note(profile note),
vocabulary and idiom note,
month schedule note for fammi annual events and memo.  

A5 Note

‐good for described and design note,portrait,memo,

month schedule note for annual (usage paticular month each a page )as well profile,
A4 Note,
Plain Note pad

(‐not printed lines.) with page
serial number.



 Almost would previously good ready to purchase  reasonable thing and timing. Commodities at 1 cash shop available as well.example

‐Case with two fastener pockets, Tidy basket,

and(two pairs of) white gloves,erasers 
at 1 cash shop

as well .


Good luck.


As efficient means of  be easier to simplify as to your family or famile would find possible commodity quickly as well .

‐stamp some respective boxs 

as well cardboard boxs 

with a (seal typed )naming
 🕑 or signal (seal).
💡simple illustration 

‐To pop up schedule note retaining and regularly to tidy timing .

as well with

carton boxs.




Good luck


Pivitors fammi famile
would have been averaged 80 parcents  (among Family) 
Pltim family including
Livitor would have been
about 20 parcents
at presence Chikyu. 


Pltim Times🌠

According to criteria ankert points 
account motifs of decision in respects of Pivitor familefammi members among Pivitors would have been cordinated common and similar features as condition among Pltim pivitors fammi famile members and apt would have been cordinated visa where live (among pltim times planet country)with certificate
as of following : 
1 Grade
2 Support style mode
3 Learning speed
4 Belonging groups
5 Presence Figure name
6 Treatment stamp
7 Mode Labels
8 Relaxing style number
🎼 motifs⭐

Standard rule map
Property passage 
Properly living
 passage map
As regarding Pltim gendar,larger than 4 kinds‐10 kinds
proto :
female(Lady) / male.
Male/ Female (Woman Lady).

As regarding kinds of Livitor figures.

4 kinds of human figures
as Livitor child 
at pregnancy(mother) at a pltim time(a planet).

making sure Treatment stamp as profile  

properly treasure growing adjust to Treatment stamp as well Needs Insurance at presence
meanwhile in standard book.
Star Time
As example
Figure Category:
Pltim Figure name
motif 💳at Chikyu Time
concerning Human(人)
child Livitors in birth passage
mother's pregnancy .
Life Figure(生命体). 
Virtual Figure(バーチャルフィギュア):
Oni figure.
Robot Figure:
Matrix oni figure.

Good luck⭐





Lecture card memo







Jewel winds





memo concerning episode 1 during

Cult era and Phyco have been continueing.

As regarding Figure designor of Pltim figures.

BG and BG Classified Label of designor(making with computer as creat) of
Computer figure💳
in figure category among Robot figure:

World 3

BG 5 Classified 6
BG Classified 42.

BG and BG Classified Label of designor of
Livitor pltim figure birth passage mamma's pregnancy:

World 3


BG 7 Classified 6
BG Classified 60.



保護 Times
at presence 2021
Chikyu calendar year.
Pivitors apt would have been SLM,TS and Qop toward RT Livitor at pltim and 
younger in concerning generation (year ages).  
Pivitor students and teachers apt would have been SLM,TS and Qop toward RT
Livitor student in
junior,senior,highschool at pltim.
Cause note
(apt tend each SLM person concerning(taward) larger than 3 persons RT)
A soulmate group (among apt either members of relaxing style town 5 and
apt among persons as well teachers didn't have pltim marriaged) 
would have been cordinating SLM each World members.

Almost pivitor students at school(junior high senior)in pltim apt would be member of movi group
worker as show performer,actors,actress,
singer,at TV,stage show and TV industry( pivitor students at pltim would be taking actor or actress Work Suite) and
used to be learning and studing about activities among show and TV industry how to work as actor and performer as performance school students at     
performance school
among preparing pltim activity school.
Movi group:
movi group members have been consisting Qaf など  the same face in activities passage and often movi group relation supporting to the same movi group members around place times.




🚥 memo



と注意するように と求められている 

Good luck memo 

As regarding of
regulation as concerns of
deal with pltim marriage.
BG 1 , 6 , 17 18, 21 22
wouldn't pltim marriage  
contract as well wouldn't
deals with brandnew pltim marriage vpla at presence since 2020.

BG 2 3 8 23 24, 4 5 7, 9-16 ,  19 20
would have been still keeping on possible of deal with pltim marriage contract continuing at presence 2020 .
would still have possibility
of brandnew pltim marriage at presence 2020,
to BG 2 3 8 23 24, 4 5 7, 9-16 ,  19 20. 




Oni figure は以前
他のfigureだった(人間だった お方様もいる)お方様もいる

Oni figure had been any other figure before.
The reason of turned on oni figure would regarded 
from atitude and inmoral modes in passage .   
Cordinated figure tuning on with Criteria concerning on morality basis. 


reference as regarding


‐ brilliance‐


Pltim Marriage Vpla
As regarding of
approval as cancel Pltim Marriage couple & PltimMarriage Vpla.

As qualified for approval to cancel Pltim Marriage,
would be eligible precondition for marriaged couple and both of their Mobi group have successed on Credit
as PltimMarriage Vpla ‐
credit support success.
Parmmitance to cancel couple
doesn't account on to accumulate amounts at Pltim marriage vpla of 
wife,husband and both of their Mobi group.

until 8years, respective 
―possible to cancel either of PltimMarriage Vpla.

8years ~ Pltim Marriaged
📄PltimMarriage Vpla

until cancel PltimMarriage, 
amount in Cash Points― 

as respects of
each husband and wife
and each their Mobi group members would be assessed total amounts sum of thier cash point amounts ‐
Pltim Marriage husband and wife and each their Mobi group members.


Good excellent Luck



-Beauty inspiration


Profile card
Previously preparing special card

ordinary for Birth Month Support,treasuring

time and opportunity.


card note      


horoscope 🌃星座 


phone number 


inst, blog 

Type of blood 
-⭐ envelope with Introduce card 

refer phone number, URL with happy message. pleasant happiness wellbeing

Good note- 


Star time⭐

季節 Memo  💫⏰

periodical memo
At season coming winter 

early November~,

among drinking beverage conditional figure,some persons would likely (probably among almost persons at Earth among as if drinking beverage conditional figure )apt to favorable to, meantime figical mentally would like favor non-sugar drinks,


non-sugar hot drinks,

plain hot drinks well 
at relaxing among drinking beverage conditional figures at presence 2020 calendar year at Earth 🌟


Good luck


happiness wellbeing.


Partor of Pltim Marriage would have been likely apt point in sort of alike  ordinary routine in respects of wake-up time and living style or schedule on Sunday morning since childhood would like favor .
Timing of waking up and living style of schedule on Sunday morning. 
sort of term.
5-8 relax
5-8 and activities 
7-9:30 relax
7-9:30 and activities 



Styles of pltim family
_family as pregnancy
famile relative didn't have pregnant, ( daddy mamma children kids seul など 
Pivitor famile apt ⭐the same BG or sort of something else)
apply as to progress of support as education  
or introduce happiness style as properly support passage and growing well form like family living at ordinary time.   


Relation as mates wouldn't family style( Neither relation parent and child,or as pregnancy.)

at estate or ordinary time
whether BG members or else mates.

excellence good luck


Reference 💁

_fammi-one of sorts in famile.
relation as 
_indicating precious well as sophisticated as to happiness , 
_success creditable support,
_wellbeing , 
_good advicer   educational oppotunity,
_living life keeping 
at estate
whether BG members or
else mates.
fammi― mates wouldn't family style( Neither relation parent and child,or as pregnancy.) 


Pivitors fammi famile
would have been averaged 80 parcents  (among Family) 
Pltim family including
Livitor would have been
about 20 parcents
at presence Chikyu. 

⭐star time
宝石 Memo🕓
As regarding to
教会信者maison , 

would have meant of having applied and been registrated application concerning support from particular church religion.

⏰As regarding of
Saint Name. 






apt named as a name as Saint,
(St.)as of following 💡 
-A person belonging

to a group at church during religions as 
BG would having ever applied as pupil 
of particular church religion

and member of maison under religion with plea 
during restricted to rest Labels as World and Maison with Standard style of criteria‐as properly suit to own grade, would specify regulated adjust belong to a particular religion classified group grade for categorized during situation restricted

to rest Labels as World and Maison. 

-A person 
👫👰on marriage 
might have adviced wedding. 

A person belonging
to a group at church during religions and a partner(wife and husband) of pltim marriaged on his or her having been marriaging.






結婚partner(wife and husband)も

confered naming as saintがある.








Percentage of Pltim Marriaged ‐ less than 0,1 percentage among total

Star time⭐
Memo Cafe 💫⏰
At season coming winter 
early November~,
some persons would likely apt to favorable to, meantime figical mentally would like favor 

non‐sugar drinks,(sugar-free) 

plain drink


non‐sugar hot drinks and sugarless plain hot drinks as well 
at relaxing  among  drinking beverage conditional figure  🌟


Keeping Juices warming for 

20minutes‐1 hour

‐Jam silops 

Juice silops.

Bread,  creamcheese cake or panna cotta 

with putting
jam silop on - 🍷  
‐ Panna Cotta

milk pudding and

cream pudding‐
warming as of following
A 500ml.(cc.)cup of
milk(soy milk)and
non‐sugar jelly powder 4 grams.
(and a spoonful of fresh cream or gelato💫
Cream pudding)
stirring twice ~

during warming for few minutes.

Pouring into

empty container of juice 

and at refrigerator for 2 hours passing.

with jam silops.

☕ Milk Cheese.

milk 1/2cup.
cheese 1/3 cup.

Few spoonfuls of fresh cream
( powder cream or coconut cream). 
spoonful of butter.
Cheese drowned in milk with stirring twice~

a spoonful of margarine or butter and 

fresh cream, 
(powder cream or coconut cream)

and for 8 hours~passing.

spoonful :
with large spoon(soup spoon ).

a bit :
a 1/4 with smoll  spoon. 

‐Milk cheese toast,pizza toast,
toasting for 1‐5 minutes 
bread putting

Milk cheese and cream on.   

‐sugar toast for dessert.
warming bread putting ice cream on.


‐Cream recotta cheese.
warming following 
Milk or soy milk 500‐800ml.
A bit (1/4 as smoll spoonful)of salt.
A spoonful of vinegar,lemmon silops or

a bit of citric acid.
A smoll spoonful of non‐sugar jelly powder(gelatin).

stirring twice ~

during warming for 20 minutes‐1 hour.

‐Fetta tic  cheese. 
warming following 
Milk or soy milk 500‐800ml.
A bit of salt.
A spoonful of vinegar, lemmon silops or A bit of citric acid.
A smoll spoonful of non‐sugar jelly powder(gelatin).

stirring twice ~

during warming for 20 minutes‐1hour.


(and later a spoonful of fresh cream or powder milk coating.) 



warming Milk or soy milk 700ml

(~and a spoonfuls of fresh cream )for 5‐10 minutes.

Passing 1 hours~later

after warming for 5‐10 minutes,

stairing with 

a spoonful of lemmon silops(or a bit of citric acid )and a smoll spoonful of Juice silops

(Jam silops).

And day after,

in the morning.


‐ Dips 
with Fatta tic cheese
,or pizza toast spreading on milk cheese toast.
warming following
Juice silops 1. 
Curry 3 
(or warming a smoll spoonful of curry paste with 

5 spoonfuls of water.).
Spicy kechap 1
(Kechap,  Tabasco or spice paste and Oil .
pouring tabasco or a spoonful of spice paste and oil into
a kechap container.).


Good relaxing
as well
Dreaming with 

Lucky memo


⚡ light words.
Previously ordinary preparing
sweet light phrases as proper to have often adviced and indicated
with brief signal word happily.Indication gems 💗

and ordinary while visiting, would like bring with a card for simple explanation as well.
2―6 phrases~

and sweet memo 

  Would you please
mir- geniel.
memi-good wishing     properly excellence.happiness pray.






pleasant happiness💗 

yupl-kind care.
   gentle sweet.
povi-good polite.
rtil-relaxing at room.
shala-good       timing card promptly as well good relaxing at room. 
would like help easy to cordinate favorable time.

☆Thanks card(Good luck message)

⭐Introduce card
(thanks card with refering Naming ,mail, URL address)
Previously preparing cards for enjoy meeting 
happiness fortune.


as well lecture cards with list and
explanation script cards,lovely happiness lecture with illustration cards listed 

index orderly in with favorite and ordinary topics
merrily happiness.


Good luck