




きのう、George Orwellなんてアルファベットで書いてしまったものだから、



The sound that the fire engine sounds a siren : when walking in home buckwheat noodle around 20 o'clock of last night.
The sound has approached home when thinking that it is a nearby Main Street.
The passenger car of tens of meters passing from home each other stopped from both sides in shape that the fire engine meets together on the road barely.
It was not so because there was not a sign where the fire went up either when thinking in the building in front of the fire engine in my presence.

The next apartment house was a problem. The fire engine with which the patrol car and the other meet together : in front of the apartment house.
However, the apartment house doesn't have the sign where the fire goes up either.

There seemed to have been not a fact of rising of the gas leakage or smoke though in the apartment house, there were running firemen either.
What on earth was it ・・・?

They are three fire engines and one patrol car in the place in which it doesn't become even a fuss about small fire.
It was dumbfounded.

The vicinity of home is not to hear the story of a fire though is never wide the width of the road.
Therefore, the surprise was not able to be concealed.

Because it is what has been written by the George Orwell alphabet yesterday, it has become shape that the access from Germany (de), Russia (ru), Czech Republic (cz), Poland (pl), and Colombia (co) is seen here and there since 22 o'clock. If "George Orwell" is written by the katakana(カタカナ), these kind of things are not thought.
The cold sweat has occurred to that.

There was various About Last Night.
It is a story not taken in taking of "Takeshi Kitano had been doing the television program of piercing for four hours or more" or "The final episode the Taiga Drama, Tenchijin of NHK" for myself compared with the "fuss about the fire engine mobilization" and "Access to blog from Eastern bloc, yesterday".

It is holiday at Labor Thanksgiving Day today. And, it is possible to "Kakiko" at such time.

However, the story that can be written ends in such a place. The part that seems that the access from Eastern bloc has been called it is put and it was assumed that it ends yesterday.

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George Orwellの「動物農場」て本をようやっと読み終えた。

It finished finally reading book "Animal farm" of George Orwell.
Rough content is,
The income and the rest have increased if the person who suffers in the origin of exploitation is liberated.
However, it is variously in that situation.
The situation picks up if the person who is exploiting it is gone.
As for this, the company slave enterprise is guessed right as it is.