antiquary -4ページ目


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

everyone has they own problems.

just about an hour ago i met cen,

she texted me around after, she want to eat fried duck "Bebek Goreng Kanwa".

i said ok, we will meet there around 7 o'clook.

as i arrived she still on the phone,

during and after we eat we talked and share.

we both stuck with our problems,

of course we are in not in the good mood if another things come

willing or not we have to face and deal with it, with our own consolidation.

everyone has their own way when they are angry.

so do i,

i never yelled to someone if i'm angry.

but don't ever arround me when i'm not in the good mood(angry) and said something that can confront me, i will not speak to you in loud voice or yelled or even swearing, but i will back all your words and its really good to hear. only 1 times i slap without saying anything and that because that person is so not worth it.

when my friends already have their vacation or already have right now,

i still stuck with my job.

when all works come,

i work as soon as possible

when sometimes my friends asking to go out,

i still stuck with my job.

so don't get me wrong if said something harsh if i meet something that trouble me.

if you think i always have fun with my friends

for GOD sake, i work morning to afternoon,

and its not enough anymore,

almost 5 years work without vacation, stuck with work, can't move.

and i often make mistake lately,

i'm over capacity,


misunderstood for the reason i give for not following work in jakarta

i will go if that will solve the problem


we went out together after work

murti san, cen and me. i didn't know what happen to uni, cen called her cellphone many times but she didn't answer it. even after we go back still no text or call from uni (`・ω・´)ゞ

the destination is.........galaxy mall(gm) ヾ( ´ー`)

they both bought something to drink plus cen bought french fries


the main purpose go to gm,

cen wanted to eat waffle and so does murti san.


that's the waffle,

that's murti san hands playing fork and knife

and i don't like waffle (`∀´)

over and over murti san and cen asking "do you want some?"......"you know i don't like waffle".

i only ordered Mango smothies ( ´艸`)


what's that bag?

inside that bag is what i bought in gm

total price inside that bag IDR 539.200 ( ̄^ ̄)


tshirt IDR 138.000

blazer IDR 168.000

antiquary antiquary

the main point when entering the shop is that bag (  ̄っ ̄)

bag IDR 368.000

but since i use XXX credit card, i got 20% off for all things that i bought

and that purse is a gift. when total amount of shopping is IDR 500.000 we will get VIP card member along with that purse.

why i buy a bag?

because the current bag that i use for work right now is heavy even without things inside. that bag is my sister bag that she bought but she seldom use it. rather than i buy a new bag when my bag was broken, i used my sister bag. (ps: i already have permittion when i used it)

antiquary antiquary

cen surprised when she saw me today, so does murti san

"omg, you turn to a girl today!" (-""-;), i'm not a girl before then? (-_-メ

then she asked is it any ocassion why i dress like that, i replied yes, all my jeans and knee pants haven't dry yet when i want to use and i'm kinda lazy to use 2 pieces outfits.

hahaha,let me take your photo

cheese v(^-^)

but annoyed with men eyes when i walked today (-""-;)
