with | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

everyone has they own problems.

just about an hour ago i met cen,

she texted me around after, she want to eat fried duck "Bebek Goreng Kanwa".

i said ok, we will meet there around 7 o'clook.

as i arrived she still on the phone,

during and after we eat we talked and share.

we both stuck with our problems,

of course we are in not in the good mood if another things come

willing or not we have to face and deal with it, with our own consolidation.

everyone has their own way when they are angry.

so do i,

i never yelled to someone if i'm angry.

but don't ever arround me when i'm not in the good mood(angry) and said something that can confront me, i will not speak to you in loud voice or yelled or even swearing, but i will back all your words and its really good to hear. only 1 times i slap without saying anything and that because that person is so not worth it.