geezz...its monday again | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

same old same old,

just another monday, hectic again...

because i didn't have my breakfast, i stopped by at Mc'D

at first i want to buy chicken burger, but when there gift if we buy happy meal, i suddenly change the menu and choose the free gift (`∀´)

sugarbunnies feat Mc'D, his name is kurousa


and i bought bag for working, since their store have sale event

IDR 599.900-->30%off-->419.300

not bad....its black, very light(rather than my sister bag) and quite big

maybe i will use mask (`∀´)

(-""-;) its quite annoying if someone take my photos if i'm not in the mood to be catch by photo

escort guess to have lunch,

i was busy received and make calls, and they said i take your photos
