tanggal merah | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

Today is national holiday,

Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

what i do?

in the morning, do laundry,...2 weeks laundry ヽ(;´ω`)ノ

that ended around 10 o'clook....∑ヾ( ̄0 ̄;ノ kaget liat air rendaman jeans yang kayak air comberan,wakakakakak, padahal baru direndam 5 menitan,

then cleaned my room, ..after that paid my job that is ironing my cloths, that i couldn't finish it a week before.

all that finished around 2o'clook, then i straight go to bed

i need to laid my back especially after laundry (´、`=)ゞ

and woke up around 4

not much after that, having late lunch (・Θ・;)

oya, after the RIP of my hand fan( if you forgot .http://secret.ameba.jp/pitaoishiro/amemberentry-10426129578.html  )

about a week after that i bought this ダウン

don't ask me why i choosed that, i'm hypnotized ((◎д◎ ))



yesterday, i forgot to upload this ダウン

i bought a sticker,...random buy, confuse where i will put it

giant RILLAKUMA Σ(・ω・;|||

if i meet you i will chase you ε=ε=ε= ヾ(*~▽~)ノ


does that pose, is propose pose?

"yes, i do" ( ´艸`)