its sunday | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

Of course its sunday, hahahaha

i pick up murti-san after i met someone today.

to have lunch......gosh, i really hungry at that time because i haven't eat since morning

we eat at 'Quali', it is in food court area

blue sky

we order Sapo Tofu
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and Lumpia Mayonaise
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and......we are really FULL at that time,hahahahaha

then we go to book store,

i bought this funny book.

THANKS GOD i bought the Indonesian version that only cost Rp 35.000,

when i saw the original book the price is Rp 100.000

blue sky

i bought also magazine that i always buy every month

ANIMONSTER.....that talks about anime, manga, tokusatsu and also Japanese culture

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and i also bought another magazine because of someone

that makes me ラブラブ!