didn't realize... | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

It is saturday again,...
nop,...it still friday in my place, because it is still 23:40 pm right now.

been busy and still...
been stress,
been tired,
been sick, came and go...

and they told me; if your gastric problem came from your stress, it is useless if you drink medicine. let go you your stress first!.
ehmmm...the problem is can i? the answers is yes i can if the problems stop come for awhile or don't tell me if there is a problems, that is the easiest way ヾ( ´ー`)

enough for the bla...bla...bla...

Got chocolate from murti-san on tuesday ( ´艸`)
a very late val chocolate,hahahaha(`∀´)
blue sky

Sometimes when i was looking for him, i didn't find him.
Turns out he was in that big vase...i don't know what he was doing inside (*゚.゚)ゞ

blue sky

Or sometimes he just stand still in that place(^o^;)
blue sky

It seems my pc is the best place for him to sleep (・・。)ゞ
blue sky

how can i work if you took that space yuki-kun? (*゚ー゚*)
blue sky

And this pic was taken tonight.
hahahahaha funny pose (●´ω`●)ゞ

blue sky

(´0ノ`*)...aaa...i really want to eat spicy foods,
they said, spicy food will overcome your stress....(?_?)
Y(>_<、)Y....spicy food wait for me...((((((ノ゚⊿゚)ノ