eehmm... | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

Nothing much to tell,...
Tomorrow i have to shigoto also, and it's begin little bit early in the morning (´_`。)

Because there was nothing to tell, so it's yuki's time クラッカー

Looks like he is interesting in gadget,
but, what you done with my flashdisk starp yuki-kun?

blue sky

Then he little bit calm watched the screen
blue sky

Then maybe because he was bored, he slept next to it.
blue sky

Oh ya, he is sometimes doing this also.
blue sky

Thank you for seeing this unnecessary pics of yuki (^人^)

I just wondering? (・・。)ゞ
Why kohei-san always wears hats everytime he took his pics?
For me, he do look cute with that hair,right?!
But, its up to kohei-san (^_^)v,hahahaha

blue skytaken from ogoe yuuki blog