I saw my father's photos from elementary school and high school for the first time❗

My father told me that when he was a child he went to school barefoot because he couldn't buy shoes, but when I saw the photos, I realized that my father really was barefoot 🥲

Probably because it was in the countryside (Kumamoto), the admission rate to high school was 50%!

I now understand why my father opposed my decision to go to university.
In the end, my father allowed me to go though 🥲

My father told me that he didn't remember receiving any pocket money, so since he was in elementary school, he had to collect clams and seaweed by himself and sell them to pay for his tuition fee. And he inherited baseball gloves from his seniors and shared them among friends, and when they didn't have enough, he made them out of cloth❗

He told me that he was self-sufficient and had enough food, so compared to the city, he was quite wealthy in terms of food❗

However, he told me that he couldn't do things like buy candy at the store because he didn't have money❗

My father was born in 1949 ☺️