




Speech topicsに断捨離(Declutter)がありました。



断捨離を英語declutterという言葉が最もしっくりきます。「散らかす」という意味のclutterにdeという接頭語をつけることで反対の意味、つまり「散らかりを片付ける」という意味のdeclutterという単語が誕生します。clutterには「散乱したもの、散らかり」という名詞の使い方もあるので、clutterを名詞として用いれば、get rid of the clutter、 clear the clutterで同じような意味を伝えることもできます。


We had the 367th meeting online on Jan 13, 2023. 

we had the good  atmosphere very cheerful.

Suitable for beginning January, our first meeting of the year was full of passion, resolution, and wonderful plans.

Declutter was one of the Speech topics at a recent meeting.

In one of the speeches, there was one about donation, which I thought was very good.

I thought it was a good idea to donate things that you don't use if there is a possibility that they can be used for someone else.

The word "declutter" in English is the most appropriate word for decluttering. The prefix "de" to the word "clutter" creates the opposite meaning, "declutter," which means "to clear away clutter. The word "clutter" also has a noun use, "clutter," so you can use "get rid of the clutter" or "clear the clutter" to convey the same meaning.

Please find the meeting agenda by clicking the following URL.
