Hello everyone,

How's your week? Are you enjoying the new look of Pioneer Language School/Hario English School. By Monday there will be a live website, the last of the new furniture will arrive and the new school name and logo will be on all of the signs outside the building. It's quite a big job to rename everything. I'm very excited to start working at Hario English School. I hope we can keep everything that was good about Pioneer Language School and build from there. I'm very happy for Sachiyo that she has become the new owner.


When I was growing up, there used to be a brand of chocolate bar called Marathon. The company that made these chocolate bars decided to change the name to what they were called in the USA so it's name got changed to Snickers. I remember at the time a lot of people were angry about this and complained about Americanisation. I didn't mind and actually I didn't think the original name was very good. Eating chocolate doesn't help you when you run marathons! Equally, I like the new name, Hario English School, better than Pioneer Language School. It has part of Sachiyo's name in it and it reminds you of Super Mario Brothers. I think Mario is a good role model. He is always challenged by Koopa and the various villains but with help from his brother Luigi, his dinosaur Yoshi and others he never gives up and wins in the end. However many times he dies along the way, he always eventually gets to the end of the game and rescues the princess. There are lessons for us all there, perhaps. The only problem Mario has is that he always celebrates to early and allows the enemy boss to escape (so they can make the next video game in the series). We can maybe learn a lesson from that, too.


Anyway, thanks for reading. This blog will finish tomorrow but there will be a new blog built into the new website. Check for links in an upcoming post. Have a great day.



