Hello everyone,

I hope you're having a good week. I hear there's a typhoon this weekend so please take care. Recently, I've been teaching my kindergarten students English words for feelings. I think Sachiyo wrote recently about how answering the question "How are you?" with an automatic "I'm fine, thank you. And you?" is not very good communication. It's more communicative to give an honest answer and an explanation - for example, "I'm tired because I had P.E. today". So anyway, I taught my kindergarten students words like happy, thirsty and surprised and then asked, "How are you?". One of my students, a boy, said "I'm in love!" and pointed to the card with the face with hearts on it. I said, "Oh really! Who do you love?" and he replied "H*****"(redacted) and pointed to another student, a girl. She turned away a bit embarrased but gave a big smile.

One of the things I like about kindergarten students is they are very honest and unfiltered. They say what they are thinking and soon declare their love. Of course, it's not always great when you're in a bad mood - again Sachiyo wrote about little monsters recently - and eventually you grow up to filter your thoughts more. However, I thought that situation was very sweet. I teach a 6th grade elementary school class where one of the girls in the class seems to take a liking to one of the boys in the class. She's never said that, at least not in class, - here's where the difference in age shows - but she does spend her time teasing him and kicking him under the table, something I often have to warn her about.

As adults we have to filter our thoughts and not say everything that we think but we often we do it too much and say "I'm fine, thank you. And you?" when we aren't fine. The trick is to find the right balance.

Thanks for reading my blog, as always. Have a great week.





「How are you?」と聞かれて「I'm fine, thank you. And you?」と自動的に返答するのは、



相手に返すのが普通です。たとえば、「元気ですか」「ぼくは疲れています。体育の授業があったから」 などのように。

私が幼児クラスの生徒に、「happy満足」、「thisty」(のどがかわいている)、「surprised顔13」(おどろいている)などの気持ちを表す言葉を教えたあと、生徒たちに「How are you?」ときくと、

ある生徒の一人が、「I'm in loveハート」(ぼくは恋をしている)と答え、「love」というハートが描かれたカードを指しました。








そして、元気でもないのに、「I'm fine thank you And you?」と英語で返すのでしょう。


