Vocabulary in discussions and debates | littlestar's BLOG

littlestar's BLOG

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To begin a speech

Mr. chairman, ladies and gentlemen


Structuring a speech

As my previous speaker has pointed out…

As my next speaker will explain…

I’m going to present three arguments: first…second…third

I’ve just told you about…Now I’m going to…


Placing emphasis

This issue/problem cannot simply be shrugged off/dismissed/ignored

I’m convinced that…

The information at hand amply demonstrates

Let me repeat/reiterate the importance I attach to…

It is vital/essential/important that we keep in mind

Let’s stick to the fundamental question of…



To reach an agreement

To compromise

To find a compromise

Reach a consensus


Strongly agreeing

You’re perfectly right

I quite agree with…

I cannot but agree/I couldn’t agree more

I accept the idea/proposal/suggestion without reservation

This idea deserves our endorsement/support/backing




I am firmly/entirely/fully/completely/wholeheartedly in agreement with…


Mildly agreeing

You may be right there

That’s true, I suppose

I suppose so

I’m rather inclined to agree with your idea/suggestion/proposal

I basically agree, but…

I agree in principle, but…

I agree up to a point, but…

By and large I would accept your idea, but…

You may be right in saying that, but…


Proposing an agreement

A fair/balanced compromise would be…

It seems we have established common ground in so far as…

I hope we can reach agreement along the following lines…

I think that you may share my opinion/view/belief that…


Resisting agreement

For a variety of reasons I find it difficult to agree to/accept your proposal

I’m afraid your proposal leaves a great deal to be desired

To my regret I can see no way of accepting these proposals as they stand

The proposal falls far short of what is required

There is no basis for an agreement



I must admit that your arguments have convinced me

I must concede the merits of your case

There’s quite a bit of merit in what you say

I’m persuaded by your arguments/points

You have convinced me that…


Mild disagreement

That’s not really how I see it

I don’t really agree

I can’t really go along with you there

I think you’re mistaken

I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there

I don’t quite share your view

I would hardly go so far as to say…

I’m not totally convinced by your agreement

I really must take issue with you on this point/here


Strong disagreement

I’m sorry, that’s out of the question

I believe it would be a mistake to…

I think you’re wrong

Nothing I have heard so far has convinced/persuaded me that…

I’m afraid I (totally) have to disagree with you

I beg to differ

I’m sorry I don’t agree at all

I simply can’t agree to this

Under no circumstances could I agree to…

Of course not

I’m decidedly/entirely/wholeheartedly/against/opposed to this idea


Rebutting arguments

Let’s take a look at what the other side has said

First I’d like to examine the last speaker’s arguments


Raising doubt

It is all very well to say…, but…

I can’t help feeling that

The idea/proposal has some shortcomings/deficiencies/flaws

It is open to question whether

There is room for doubt whether…


Countering opposing arguments

I don’t think it’s a valid argument to say that…

I think it may be going too far to say that…

In spite of/despite…, I still feel/maintain that…

I’m glad you brought this up, but…


Providing additional information

Please allow me to add a word about…

Perhaps I should be more specific

Without going too much into detail, I should perhaps mention…

I think it would be helpful to add/point out…



I take your point…, but…

I understand what you’re saying…, but…

I see/know what you mean, but…

I hear where you’re coming from on this, but…

This interesting issue could perhaps be taken up later

I feel a decision at this stage would be premature

We should not act in haste on such a key matter

I believe the whole issue needs to be looked at more carefully



Can I come in here?

I’m terribly sorry to interrupt you, but…

Forgive me for interrupting, but…

I don’t want to interrupt, but…

Could I come in at this point?

If I can just stop you for a moment


Handling an interruption

Perhaps we could return to your point later

If you could bear with me for a moment, I shall deal with that point a little later

I take your point and shall be dealing with that in a moment

With your permission I would like to finish what I was saying

With all due respect I should like to finish the point I was making


Referring back

As we are saying earlier

To go back to what I was just saying

To go back to what X was saying earlier

As I said/mentioned earlier/before

If I may just return/go back/revert briefly to what I was saying…


Introducing new elements

I should now like to turn briefly to the question/problem of…

At this point I would like to raise the subject of…

There are some additional matters/questions which must be considered here

Another thought that occurs to me is…

I now realize that I should have mentioned/referred to/said a few words about…

I think we need to deal with other issues first


Summing up an argument

We had a useful exchange of views, the main points of which may be summarized as follows…

If I might just go over the main points made?

To sum up/recapitulate, one can say that…

All the proposed solutions boil down to…

The most persuasive/compelling argument made today is…

I think I can sum it up…

To go over what’s been said…

I’ve listened to both sides of the argument