オラ、わくわくすっぞ! | 「 Accomplishing the impossible 」




 『  One giant leap toward space tourism in New Mexico 


(CNN) -- The era when travelers will be able to catch a flight from New Mexico to outer space moved a step closer this week with the official start of construction of Spaceport America.

At a groundbreaking ceremony Friday, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson talked about the world's first facility for space tourists.

"New Mexicans have stepped up to the plate by making this investment," Richardson said. "This groundbreaking ceremony is an important step toward our goal of being at the forefront of a vibrant, new commercial space industry."

The almost $200 million project is funded by the state.Once completed, British business magnate Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic will begin taking tourists to space from the facility.Flights are expected to start in 2010.

Branson has said that he has a list of 45,000 people from 120 countries who have registered to take the space trips. It will cost $200,000 a ride, according to the Spaceport America Web site.

The spaceship will be connected to a specially designed carrier aircraft that will take it to about 50,000 feet, according to Virgin Galactic. The aircraft will release the spaceship, which will then use rockets to propel itself into space.

Virgin Galactic has envisioned one flight a week, with six tourists aboard.

The tourists will train for at least three days before going.

訳 ⇒


火曜日の起工式において、ニューメキシコ州知事のBill Richardson氏は、この宇宙旅行者に向けた世界最初の場所について以下のように語っている。


このプロジェクトへ投資された20億ドルもの大金は、国が負担している。完成すれば、英人大物実業家Richard Branson氏のヴァージン・ギャラクティックが旅行者を宇宙へ案内することになるだろう。2010年にはフライトが始まる見込みだ。








leap (意) 名詞⇒飛躍、跳躍  動詞⇒跳ぶ、駆けつける

verb 1. To jump high or a long way

2. To move or do something suddenly and quickly

noun 1. a long or high jump

2. ~(in something) a sudden large charge or increase in something




move a step (意)  一歩進む ex. I moved a step toward him. (彼のほうへ一歩進んだ。)


droundbreaking(意) 起工式

adjective 1. making new discoveries ; using new methods :


Bill Richardson(意) 人名 (wikipediaでも見ればよろしくて? ⇒ クリック )


forefront(意) 最前線 

(熟語) at/in/to the forefront (of sth)  (意) 重要事へ 、グループ・活動の重要ポジションへ


vibrant(意) 形容詞⇒振動する、刺激的な 名詞⇒顫動音

adjective 1. full of life and energy

2. (of colours) bery bright and strong

3. (of music,sounds,etc) loud and powerful


magnate(意) 有力者、大物、貴族 (良い意味で使われないような・・・時かな)

noun . a person who is rich, powerful and successful, especially in business.


Richard Branson(意) 人名 (wikipedia でも見ちゃいなよ。 ⇒ クリック )


Virgin Galactic(意) 21世紀の宇宙旅行はお任せあれ!(wikipedia って楽だよね。 ⇒ クリック )


spaceport america(意) 知りません。(http://www.spaceportamerica.com/


feet(意) 長さの単位。1フィート=0.3048メートル だから・・・、50,000ft=15km240m


propel(意) 動詞⇒前進する、駆り立てる

verb 1. to move ,drive or push sth forward or in a particular direction

2. to force sb to move in a particular direction or to get into a particular situation


einvision(envisage)(意) 動詞⇒心に描く、考察する

verb 1. to imagine what will happen in the future









