英語で | The Vending Machine Says Hi

The Vending Machine Says Hi


Can I write this in English? My head hurts so much right now, I can't think in Japanese.
I have four more days of vacation left and I still have four more papers to write.
One is for college applications. The other three are for my English classes.
I'm currently trying to write the college essay, but I have nothing interesting to write about.
Inspiration please?

I hate how this blog turned into a place where I write about all of the stress in my life lol
I'll avoid doing that from now on. And I'll write in Japanese from now on... it's good practice, right?

To end on a happy note... I've been really into DBSK (東方神起) lately.
Specifically, Yoochun. I've always been a huge fan of his (even when I didn't like DBSK that much.) I think it's been about 5 years since I've been a fan of his.

The Vending Machine Says Hi

One of the reasons why I respect him so much is because he really loves music. Enough so to go and concentrate on composing it during what little free time he has (and they literally work from 7 in the morning to 1 in the morning D: that's real dedication.) I know that he has the boy band label stuck on him, but I don't think that's accurate. He's a true artist to me. If he were to leave his talent agency, quit being an idol, and put out his solo work I know that he'd be able to make it. I think that goes for the rest of DBSK as well. If they left SM and worked together as an acappella/vocal group they would still be popular. I feel the same way about Arashi too... but I doubt any of them will leave Johnny's ever lol

The Vending Machine Says Hi

Please stop being so cheesy LOL
I could go on and on about why I love Yoochun, but not right now. I should be focusing on writing this paper, so I can concentrate on writing the English papers. Ahhhhhh.