(* ^ ▽ ^ *) | ☆PiiGLOU☆

(* ^ ▽ ^ *)

Hi Guys ! It's been a while since i came here !
How are you ?
I came today, and it's maybe a little late for that, to wish to all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2013! Hoping you enjoyed our last day of 2012!


Personnally, I really loved 2012. It was a year full of encounters, health, success (with school) and hapiness. It's sad to let 2012 behind us, when this year is full of good memories but year after year, we grow to become a little more mature, and we discover better things over time. This is what comforts me, I think.

I am looking forward to "grow" more, while earning money, while meeting new people and while travelling all around the world in fulfilling my dream every day.

At any rate, I wish you all happiness, health, wealth, success, and above all, to find a dream or a goal because this is something that will make you progress.

But you have 365 days for that.. my bad..364 now !
Good luck for this new year !


Bye bye~ ドキドキ