Description: Singed Labcoat Productions, Utilities, AppleScript, Automator Virtual Input, 2048 KB

★ Automator Virtual Input vers 3.0

Automator Virtual Input... Simulate mouse clicks, movement and drags as well as keyboard key presses. All using Apple's Automator. Automator Virtual Input extends Apple's Automator automation program to give it complete control over the keyboard and mouse cursor. Automator Virtual Input allows Automator to access anything you can by simulating mouse clicks, movement and drags along with keyboard key presses. By simply listing the actions you wish to preform, like any other automator action, then using the "Run Virtual Input" action, the keyboard and mouse are at your command. This allows you to access all the functions available to you in any given program, no longer confined by the limited actions available. 3 example workflows are also included with full explanations of the actions taking place in each to give an example of what Automator Virtual Input is capable of. Automator Virtual Input allows you to preform the following: - Simulate a Left Mouse Button Click. - Simulate a Right Mouse Button Click. - Simulate the keyboard typing. - Simulate the mouse being moved. - Simulate a keyboard command and/or shortcut being pressed. - Simulate the mouse being dragged. - Resize and Reposition active windows. - Press and Hold down keys. - Release keys held down. - Simulate Tab, Return, Arrow or Function keys being pressed. All in the form of easy to use Automator actions. Automator Virtual Input allows you to access the keyboard and mouse with Automator Actions to access any program or application you can. No longer restricted by the limited actions avalible, Automator can finally forfill its potential as a productivity automation tool. All for just $25.

New El Captan ver.-3.3-automator-virtual-input-xpst.pkg {1699 KB}
Updated to Mac mini pcz5-ver.-3.4-automator-virtual-input.pkg {2170 KB}
Updated on iMac Pro D01gWR.Automator.Virtual.Input.3.2.pkg {2396 KB}

Singed Labcoat Productions

New to 10.13 1SbW.LensFix.CI.ver.4.8.dmg [9433 KB] 4.6
Updated version OT58. [411975 KB]

| 1720 kbytes | Free Hjr vers 5.0 Automator Virtual Input 3.2 Best on Sierra
| 1638 kbytes | App HSE AUTOMATOR VIRTUAL INPUT VERSION 3.1 3.2 Best MacOS
| 1966 kbytes | Software uUb Automator Virtual Input ver 3.2 3.1 on High Sierra
| 2048 kbytes | Update 3KHBVU VERS.3.4 AUTOMATOR VIRTUAL INPUT 3.3 Featured 10.13.5