I was going to take the bullet train to Osaka one day for business

It was about 15 years ago while I was working for an investment bank.  One day, I needed to go to the Osaka area with some of my collegues.  One of them was a tall guy, quarter Indian and English, half Spanish.  He was very handsome and always quite well dressed with a very nice tie.


We decided to meet at the platform of the train, he was the last one to arrive.  He came dressed in an Armani suit, a Gucci tie, shiny black shoes, and carrying a Coach business bag...and a yellow Winnie-the-pooh lunch box.


We couldn't help but laugh.  He said that he told his girlfriend he was going to Osaka in a bullet express train and would have lunch on the train. She said that she would prepare a lunch box for him and she did.  She was very nice to add some dessert even for us.  He looked so happy.


He left the company a few months later so I don't know what happened to them, but I think they are still happy together.

