Taxi is the easiest transportation in Singapore.

From the airport to the hotel, from the hotel to the zoo, or whenever we were carrying a suitcase or needed to go for a long distance, we used taxis.  We had two less than honest taxi drivers.


The first one asked us for $1 extra and withheld it from the change. The next one took us to the wrong hotel.  When we got to right hotel the driver said "It was completely my fault.  The meter says $15, but just give me $12."


My husband: "No, it was only $7 this morning when we took the same route."


Driver: "You didn't use the toll road, did you?"


My husband: "You didn't need to go on the toll road if you hadn't mistaken the way."


Driver (becoming upset): "Just give me whatever you are ready to pay!


Husband: "Here is $10.  Give us $2 change."


It was impressive, I never thought my husband would say that.

