ポケットから一言、フィル君の日記 philip gayle's pocket diary
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ポケットから一言、フィル君の日記    philip gayle's pocket diary-RenAiTen



「L'adieu」by Guillaume Apollinaire

「L'adieu」by Guillaume Apollinaire

J'ai cueilli ce brin de bruyère
L'automne est morte souviens-t'en
Nous ne nous verrons plus sur terre
Odeur du temps Brin de bruyère
Et souviens-toi que je t'attends

「Le Pont Mirabeau」by Guillaume Apollinaire

Guillaume Apollinaire

(from Alcools)

Le pont Mirabeau

Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine
Et nos amours
Faut-il qu'il m'en souvienne
La joie venait toujours après la peine
Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure
Les jours s'en vont je demeure

Les mains dans les mains restons face à face
Tandis que sous
Le pont de nos bras passe
Des éternels regards l'onde si lasse

Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure
Les jours s'en vont je demeure

L'amour s'en va comme cette eau courante
L'amour s'en va
Comme la vie est lente
Et comme l'Espérance est violente

Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure
Les jours s'en vont je demeure

Passent les jours et passent les semaines
Ni temps passé
Ni les amours reviennent
Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine

Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure
Les jours s'en vont je demeure

My Nephew, The MVP!

My nephew Stephen was MVP in his baseball tournament in California this weekend. I went to visit him in San Diego a couple of weeks ago. It sure was good to see my sister Jane and brother-in-law Erik, my niece Catherine, and also Stephen. Here's a photo of him after the big game! Good job Stephen!

ポケットから一言、フィル君の日記    philip gayle's pocket diary-StephenMVP

Writing and Reading Everyday, Hot in NYC...

It seems like i am often reminded of the below lines by Joni Mitchell in her song, "A Case Of You". It's funny how this is still happening, somehow, it's like a ghost that keeps following me...

「I remember that time that you told me, you said
"Love is touching souls"
Surely you touched mine
'Cause part of you pours out of me
In these lines from time to time
Oh, you're in my blood like holy wine
And you taste so bitter but and so sweet

Oh I could drink a case of you darling
And I would still be on my feet
I would still be on my feet」

(from Joni Mitchell's "A Case of You", 1970)

Live in NYC, November 14th 2012 at Spectrum

Hey Everyone,

I'll be playing a concert this Wednesday, the 14th with a special guest from Australia, Erik Griswold. I hope you can make it. Otherwise, i hope to see you very soon! Peace and Love to all!

philip gayle

Either/Or with Philip Gayle and Erik Griswold

E/O starts its 2012-13 season with a soft open at Spectrum on the Lower East Side... Guest artists Erik Griswold (Brisbane) and Philip Gayle (NYC) join...


Show starts at 7 PM.

Morton Feldman - Why Patterns?
Erik Griswold, piano; Margaret Lancaster, flutes; Dave
Shively, glockenspiel
Duos and more...
Philip Gayle, guitar and auxiliaries
Erik Griswold, piano and auxiliaries

$10 suggested donation

New Album is Out! チェカラッチョ〜6年ぶりの新作が発売!

So, it's been a really long time since i've posted. I hope to be more diligent and motivated, but sometimes it isn't that easy when there's so much going on. Blogging just isn't a priority in my life. Anyway, my new album came out. It's called "Babanço Total" and it's Portuguese slang with a few meanings, so if you ask someone (young) from Portugal, not Brasil, because people in Brasil don't say this, you might get a few different meanings depending on who you ask. Language is so much fun!
The artwork is done by John Cramer, a brilliant Houston-based musician and artist. Recorded/mixed by Steve Christensen and JP Rappenecker in Houston, and mastered by Hideki Kato in Brooklyn. This one differs from all my other releases in that it's all voice/body generated soundscapes, overdubbed improvisations just like the other releases, but it's a one-shot thing, a side project if you will. My next album is all guitars, and recording will begin in October.
So, if you feel the need to purchase one of them, just let me know! Gig announcements will be posted as they are set. Hope all is groovy! Cheers!

そう言えば、先日、新作のアルバム「Babanço Total」が出ました。「ババンズ・トタウ」という発音になるのかな。(ポルトガル語のスラングなのですが、一つの意味は ”垂涎三尺” が近いかな)。日本での発売はまだみたいだけど、レコード会社は適当なので、自分で日本のサイトをチェックしていますので、出て来たら報告します。一応、Disk Union や Catfish などで買えるようです。母親が病気になったのでヒューストンに帰る予定にしています。なので、日本ツアーはまだ決められないです。決まったら報告します。

ポケットから一言、フィル君の日記    philip gayle's pocket diary-NakedBrunchie

some recent music discoveries...

I've been to some amazing gigs lately. Lots of Talea Ensemble, and went to a Jack Quartet gig where they performed Lachenmann, Scelsi, Sciarrino, and Xenakis. Kaija Saariaho was in attendance as was Arthur Kampela and Elizabeth Hoffman. I have been enjoying Elizabeth's music very much over the past week or so. Right now i am listening to her chamber music release titled, "Modus Nodus". Highly Recommended! Also, a Stockhausen album titled "Old School" is very groovy too. I hope everyone has a fantastic February!

ポケットから一言、フィル君の日記    philip gayle's pocket diary-Hoffmanポケットから一言、フィル君の日記    philip gayle's pocket diary-OldSchool

Some Concerts I saw in March/April...

I went to some great concerts in March and April. The first one was a performance by the Talea Ensemble at Columbia University of compositions by young student composers and was a great night of new music. Then I saw the Either/Or Ensemble perform the works of Chaya Czernowin, an Israeli composer who has lived in Japan for a long time and now teaches composition at Harvard. George Lewis joined her on stage for a Q & A session in between sets. I had never even heard of her name before this night, but i was blown away. The Either/Or was sublime in their performances and i am still smiling when thinking back to how we stumbled upon the gig with Kanako and our friend Makoto who was visiting from Paris. Chaya Czernowin is now one of my very favorite composers and since Mode Records had a table outside that night, i bought 2 of her albums on CD, both fantastic. But, recently i picked up her new album "Shifting Gravity" (Wergo). It's been on the heaviest rotation since and is my favorite album this year. I highly recommend it! (my iPod is my escape vehicle from the day job madness).
Another fantastic concert we went to was another performance by the Talea Ensemble of Olga Neuwirth's work at the Austrian Cultural Forum. I have been a fan of her music for a few years now and Kairos has released most of what's out there. This concert was very well played as well and the string quartet was spot on perfect. I have been very lucky to meet both composers and to know many of the musicians. I've been to many of Talea's performances and to be able to hear Lachenmann, Sciarrino, Feldman, Scelsi, and many other of my favorite composer's work, makes me appreciate being in NYC. Enough of that... below are pics of some of my favorite recordings by Czernowin and Neuwirth. Cheers:

ポケットから一言、フィル君の日記    philip gayle's pocket diary-Olga1ポケットから一言、フィル君の日記    philip gayle's pocket diary-Olga2ポケットから一言、フィル君の日記    philip gayle's pocket diary-Chaya2ポケットから一言、フィル君の日記    philip gayle's pocket diary-Chaya1
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