"Kindle Nurse Neonatal Transport C-NPT: Practice Questions for the Neonatal Transport Nurse Exam

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NCC examinations are criterion referenced. This means the passing score is based on predetermined criteria. The passing score is established by the NCC Board of Directors. NCC utilizes the item response theory of psychometrics for the analysis of its examinations. Item Response Theory (Rasch analysis) is the study of tests and item scores based on assumptions concerning the mathematical relationship between abilities and item responses. Each test item has a difficulty and ability level. The higher the difficulty of an item, the greater the ability score one achieves. Pass/ fail is determined based on the number of questions answered correctly. As a question is answered correctly, the ability score is increased and it decreases when a question is answered incorrectly. The difficulty of the examination determines the actual number of questions that must be answered correctly in order to achieve the passing ability level. Because more than one form of the examination is given, a process 