ココロオドルGIFU summerFES 2023 was held on August 20th. 2023. at Gifu.

And also, I wanted go there, because, I want eat at 神室町商店 heat. So I took free shuttle bus, which took me to 柳ケ瀬商店街.

By the time, when I arrived at 柳ケ瀬商店街. The first ting I did was, I went 神室町商店 heat. But at that time, 神室町商店 heat was for only a reserved customer, that noon. So, I went わらっとこ NEO 柳ヶ瀬 for a lunch, instead.

I have went わらっとこ NEO 柳ヶ瀬
several times, couple years ago. It was good place to have a lunch and even have a drink at an after.

After that lunch, I came back to Gife station taking free shuttle bus, again, in order to participating a cosplay parade.

まにあ道's cosplay parade usually, takes place at around 柳ケ瀬商店街. However, this time, was takes place at around JR岐阜駅.

I had got a bit time to start cosplay parade, I wondered around アスティ岐阜, until the it gets stared.

The cosplay parade took route around only 信長ゆめ広場. I thought, i was shorter than I expected.

After the cosplay parade, the heat was hight. And a bit early to have a dinner around Gifu region. Too tired to go back to 柳ケ瀬商店街. So, I decided to go home, without having an after.