一宮七夕まつり was held on July 27th to 30th. 2023. And this year, 一宮七夕まつりコスプレパレード2023 was held for the first time in four years.

一宮市 is known as a 一宮コスチュームタウン. I have been participating for decade, now. And my friend from neighbor town, so I invite her.

I and my friend were gathered around noon at Ichinomiya station. We have been participating 一宮七夕まつりコスプレパレード from the very beginning. So We have known what to do and where to do, inside out.

When we've came out to オワリイチノミヤ商店街. The biggest problem was the heat, even we were at under the arcade street. We can not stand much longer at out side. Especially, My friend was disguised ピーチ姫. Because of that costume, we can walk, like two bocks an hour. And every time we stoped at there the crowd of people came by asking, if they could take a picture of her, some like that.

Avoiding from the heat shock, we want to have a lunch at cold place, with an air conditioner was on. And I fond one at near where we stood. At the same time, I found my friends near us. So, We, all of us, went a lunch at 一宮商店街.

After that lunch, We went for a Cosplay parade. The last year, the cosplay parade has not provided. So, the main reason that we were participating 一宮七夕まつり is コスプレパレード, which we have waited for. I knew what we want for at コスプレパレード, so well. As you can see, my friend had good job at the front of camera.

After the コスプレパレード, we and other friends were gathered. And we went out for a dinner at や台ずし 尾張一宮駅東口町 where about the restaurant, which I went there at the last year.