長島スパコス夏2023 was held on June 18th, 2023 at ナガシマスパーランド。
No need to tell, but ナガシマスパーランド or ナガシマリゾート is one of helluva major Complex facility in Tokai Region.

At the cosplay event at ナガシマスパーランド, I have been there to more than several times. And I had so much fun with the last time, well. So, when my good fellow gave me an invitation, as he always give, I told him that I would go, as always do.

I have never described, how to get ナガシマスパーランド. It goes like this. I take 近鉄 to get 近鉄桑名駅. Recently, 近鉄 rise a toll fare for a bit expensive. At 桑名, I transfer to bus heading for ナガシマスパーランド. This bus fare, charge you 600 yen only for one way. It means, if you take a round trip then it will cost you a double. I have never realize that taking public transportation to ナガシマスパーランド, will make you a bit expensive.

The last time, I participated スパコス, I straight ahead 長島温泉, first. It was good decision I made, for many reasons. However, It will cost you 800 yen to enter 長島温泉, only you are already inside of ナガシマスパーランド, though. So, it will cost you extra money to enter 長島温泉. For the tip, ordinary use of 長島温泉, is cost you 2,100 yen.

Like I said, there is a good thing which going to 長島温泉 first, at スパコス. For instance, having a lunch refugee problem. If you want to eat lunch at ナガシマスパーランド, around noon. Then most of the restaurant, inside of the park, would be full with customers, even queueing for a long line. Avoid that mess, I used to go ホテル花水木 having a lunch there. But the cost will bit expensive at 庭園レストランくすの木. However, if you choose to have a lunch at 長島温泉. Then the price would be much reasonable, though. That is why, I choose to go 湯浴みの湯, first at スパコス. That is, exactly the same way, I did so the last time.

After having a lunch at 湯浴みの湯. Then I was moving out to the ナガシマスパーランド, finding my friends. Soon enough, I found them or, shall I say, they found me. Must be the reason, I contact with them in advance. And also, I keep in touch with them using the smart phone. The technology took the all the credit, on this.

Any way I have got rendezvous with them, alright. When we got together, after words, we were spending a time, same old, same old, as always.

After the スパコス, we were having an after, for a closer of the day. But the biggest problem was, there were dozen of them, who were sponges on me like 水姫. For your crises, I shall never forget what he did to me, and for the last time.

I usually, take them 焼肉きんちゃん, for an after. But 焼肉きんちゃん will cost you around 10,000 yen for each person. Therefore, a dozen of them, will definitely, cost you over a hundred thousand yen, which I would not afford to. Although, I, I mean We really love to have an after for the end of that day. So I had to sift to plan "B." Which was having an after at あみやき亭, near by 焼肉きんちゃん. I am a man who is always adapting a overcome. So I always have a back up plane.

Activating a back up plane, was a good decision, I made, in advanced. But the biggest concern of mine was that I am not familiar with あみやき亭, thus, bringing a dozen of them without any reservation. So, I made a reservation. While making of it, I find out that there was multiple choice, which are only the seat reservation or choice of "all you can eat" style. And the later, I find out that, "all you can drink" style was added, which I did so.

All the arrangement, I made. Then the after went so smoothly, and we had so much fun. While having an after with so much fun. I realized that I am with the god of the after, I felt it, so. Any way, the next time of an after, あみやき亭 is my first choice for sure.