My first encounter with a Great Pyrenees was in front of Saginuma Tokyu Store in the spring of 1990. At first, I thought what a giant pappy it is! But, now I think that Great Pyrenees was an adult, because Great Pyrenees’ face keep like a pappy to a senior. At that time, I became to want to live with PYRE.

13 years later, I found my first PYRE to live with of Twincle Star Home’s Kennel. I had named him P-tan. He was so wise that I thought he was like people. There are many episodes. The most outstanding of them is follows. In his late years, he couldn’t stand and could only crawl, but he had squeezed his last power to wrap up his poop perfectly with pet sheets in order not to troublesome us until his life end.

Now, he had become the Twincle Star in the sky. 

Thank you.