">>>>> Schadenfreude, A Love Story: Me, the Germans, and 20 Years of Attempted Transformations, Unfortunate Miscommunications, and Humiliating Situations That Only They Have Words For <<<<<

This book is a wild and wonderful ride. Your guide, Rebecca Schuman, is a super-smart and very funny person who writes brilliantly about Germany and Germans (who are not what you think) and being young and insane and life in general and&#8230 just read it, OK?-Dave BarrySometimes Love Gets Lost in Translation You know that feeling you get watching the elevator doors slam shut just before your toxic coworker can step in? Or seeing a parking ticket on a Hummer? There&#8217 a word for this mix of malice and joy, and the Germans (of course) invented it. It&#8217 Schadenfreude, deriving pleasure from others&#8217 misfortune. Misfortune happens to be a specialty of Slate columnist Rebecca Schuman&#8213and this is great news for the Germans. For Rebecca adores the Vaterland with the kind of single-minded passion its Volk usually reserve for beer, soccer, and being right all the time. Let&#8217 just say the affection isn&#8217t mutual. Schadenfreude is the story of a teenage Jewish 
