Olive trees in Greece | Tales of Pam

Tales of Pam


One of the most impressive things in Greece is there are many olive trees everywhere in Athens, like in the parks, roadsides, plain fields, etc. 



The bottom right you can see yellowish-green trees are olive. (A view from the Temple of Zeus) 


Some trees have started having olives, and there are enough amounts, I could have harvested and made my own olive oil. 


Suddenly, it reminds me of what my father said to my friend who loves drinking coffee:

"This coffee is not the real one, roasted something else beans. Do you think coffee farms in South America could produce enough amount of coffee all over the world?"




My friend was so shocked to hear that, my father poured her more:

"You would never have the real coffee that you would've never figured out what the real coffee is."


Well. every day, tremendous quantities of cups of coffee have been consumed all over the world. Later the friend and I a kind of agreed what he said. 


Much later, we moved to Hawaii and saw Kona coffee farms in Big Island of Hawaii, the coffee trees are taken care of very neatly  "as a product" that made me "his word might be true." (Oh btw, I don't drink coffee, I am a tea person) Well,  I've never been to South America, I don't know how coffee trees grow there, but when I saw many olive trees in Athens, again "his word might be true." And all olive oils must be genuine.