The Econimic Theory of HOKOKU

~(Do things in a fair way)~ <+生成AI>





It is very difficult to live your life if you have a debt of five times your yearly income.

There was a very smart officer who solved this problem.

His name is Hokoku Yamada.

He belonged to the Matsuyama feudal clan in Okayama during the Edo era. He was one of the most important persons of Matsuyama feudal clan. He was a scholar of economy in addition to an officer.

Try to imagine the social classes and situations of the Edo era. Next, imagine how difficult it was to change.

You will be surprised by his innovative ideas for that thing.

Many students do not know very much him though they grown up in Okayama prefecture.The reason for this is Hokoku didn't want political power or money for himself.

Even though many members of the Meiji Government asked him to join, he didn't.They wanted him because of his knowledge of government and economic management, as well as his good personality.

Today his thoughts and solutions to problems are still very useful.It is useful for young students to know his thoughts for their future.

Let's enjoy reading and getting to know about his ideas.


