箱根神社にある「権現からめもち」さんは、俺のうどん赤と5色餅が人気の名店です。 俺のうどん赤は真っ赤なスープなのに辛くないという意外性があり、炊き立てのもち「5色餅」も絶品です。











パクモグポイント 4.5

Gonenkara Mochi and Ore no Udon Aka are popular dishes at Gonenkara Mochi, located at Hakone Shrine. This local eatery offers unique and delicious udon noodles with a vibrant red soup that is surprisingly not spicy, as well as freshly steamed 5-color mochi.

Located along the approach to Hakone Shrine, Gonenkara Mochi is a beloved udon restaurant by locals. The interior has a cozy Japanese atmosphere with warm vibes.

The must-try dish here is "Ore no Udon Aka," featuring a strikingly red soup that is visually impressive. Despite its fiery color, the flavor is mild and easy to enjoy. The udon noodles have a chewy texture that pairs perfectly with the soup.

In addition, as the name suggests, Gonenkara Mochi also offers "5-color mochi" made with freshly steamed rice cakes. The mochi has a delightful chewy texture, and each color contains different fillings, offering a unique taste experience with every bite.

Furthermore, there is a souvenir corner inside the restaurant where you can purchase local specialties from Hakone.

Gonenkara Mochi at Hakone Shrine's approach is a must-visit eatery to savor the deliciousness of Gonenkara Mochi and Ore no Udon Aka. Don't miss out on this culinary delight during your Hakone trip!