【韓国】ウォールストリートジャーナル 米国の教科書戦争、「韓国が日本に勝った」 | ブログ?何それおいしいの?

ウォールストリートジャーナル 米国の教科書戦争、「韓国が日本に勝った」
入力: 2014.02.13 11:31

ウォールストリートジャーナルは7日、「米国の教科書の戦争で韓国が日本を負かす(Seoul Scores Victory in Textbook War Against Japan in US)」というタイトルの記事で東海をめぐる韓国と日本の主張を紹介した。
ウォールストリート·ジャーナルはまた、「このような韓国人たちの動きは、他の主にも拡散される」とし「他の注意たるグループとも 出会いを持ちながら、これらの州でも同様の法案上程を議論しており、最終的な目標は、連邦政府の出版物まで変わること」というウィリアム·ホンバージニア韓人会長の言葉を伝えた。

【報道者(翻訳監修:イムオク)のウォールストリート·記事 の翻訳専門】
タイトル:Seoul Scores Victory in Textbook War Against Japan in US(米国の教科書の戦争で韓国が日本を負かす )South Korea welcomed a decision by Virginia's state legislature to back its position in a sea -naming dispute with Japan that has become one of the latest flashpoints in deteriorating relations between Seoul and Tokyo.Japan expressed regret over the vote.
(韓国はジャムジョム悪化する日韓関係の最新の議論点となっていた東海併記問題で韓国の立場を支持する州議会の決定を歓迎した.日本はこの投票に遺憾を表明した ).
South Korea has long called for its preferred name for the sea between it and Japan、「East Sea」、to be used internationally alongside the Japanese name "Sea of Japan」
Tokyo argues that Sea of Japan is globally recognized、including by the United Nations.
Seoul counters that the standardization occurred while Korea occupied by Japan from 1910 to 1945 and thus is a vestige of the colonial period.
On Thursday、Virginia's House of Delegates voted 81-15 to mandate the inclusion of both names in all textbooks approved by the Board of Education after July 1.
A similar bill has passed the Senate and the two branches will now meet to work out one version to send to the governor、who has signaled he will sign it.
(先週の木曜日バージニア州下院は7月1日以降 、教育委員会で承認されたすべての教科書に両方の名前が併記されていることを義務化する法案を81対15で可決した.
同様の法案が上院を通過し、今上下院は、これらを一つの法案に合わせて州知事に送ることで、知事は、これに署名することを既に示唆したている ).
The victory、driven by the state's large Korean-American community、is a first for a US state.
(規模が大きい、バージニア州の米州韓人会がもたらした勝利は、米国の州としては初めてのことである ).
Seoul had backed the bill with diplomatic efforts、while Tokyo had Hired a team of lobbyists from McGuireWoods Consulting、according to a contract signed Dec.
19 and released under US disclosure laws.
(ソウルは外交的な努力で法案を支持したし、東京は12月19日に署名され、米国ゴンシ ​​ボプに基づいて公開された契約書によると、マグワイアウッズコンサルティング会社のロビーのチームを雇用していた).
In December、Japan's ambassador to the US、Kenichiro Sasae、sent Gov.-elect Terry McAuliffe a letter to protest the initiative and warn that "strong economic ties between Japan and Virginia may be damaged if the bills are to be enacted、" according to the Associated Press.
"The governor understands the sensitivity of the issue for both sides、but if the legislation comes to his desk he will sign it、" spokeswoman Rachel Thomas said in an email.
Mr.McAuliffe、a Democrat、took Office last month.
民主党のマコーリフ氏は先月就任した) .
Timothy Hugo、a Republican lawmaker who sponsored the bill、didn't return calls or emails for comment.
(法案を後援した共和党のティモシー·ヒューゴ議員は、電話回答をしておらず、メールでもご意見を送信しなかった ).
Korean-Americans had pushed for this legislation in 2012 but failed.
They succeeded this time thanks to better political organization and lobbying、said William Hong、president of the Korean-American Association of Virginia、one of the main groups supporting the legislation.
(2012 年に米州韓は、この法律の制定を促したが、失敗した.
Asked if The Textbook change will Cost Money、Mr.Hong said、 "It's not going to cost a dime" because publishers will simply make the change when new textbooks are purchased.
新しい教科書購入時期に出版社が修正することになるからだ」と述べた ).
The Virginia Board of Education will begin reviewing history and social studies standards、including geography、beginning in 2015、said spokesman Charles Pyle.Any changes would be reviewed after that time、he said.
(バージニア州教育委員会は、2015年を起点に地理学を含む歴史と社会学の基準を検討するとチャールズ· ファイルのスポークスマンは言った.
すべての変更は、次に検討されるだろうと彼は言った ).
About 2017、the board will approve new textbook standards and then the state's school systems will start buying textbooks with any changes、he said.
(また、2017年ごろに教育委員会は、新しい教科書基準を印加するものであり、州の公立学校は、すべての変更が含まれている教科書を購入し始めると彼は言った ).
Mr.Hong said he has been meeting with Korean-American groups in other states-including California、Texas、Illinois、Maryland、New York、Massachusetts and Georgia-to talk about proposing similar bills there.
The ultimate goal is to get the federal government to change its publications as well、he said.
"Passing this legislation in Virginia is the first step、" he said.On Friday、Seoul celebrated its victory.
("バージニア州の今回の法案の通過は、その第一歩である」と彼は言った.先週の金曜日、韓国政府は勝利を祝った ).
" The Korean government highly rates this movement by the Virginia state legislature、which came from the efforts of compatriots in the US to include the name East Sea、「South Korean Foreign Ministry Spokesman Cho Tai-young told a regular news conference.
Around 80,000 Korean-Americans live in Virginia.The state's ethnic Japanese community is far smaller.
(バージニア円約8万の韓国人が居住している日本人コミュニティは、よりはるかに小さい規模だ ).
Tokyo called the bill's passage "extremely regrettable」Japan's deputy consul general in Atlanta、Yasukata Fukahori、said Friday that The Japanese Government was Watching to see if similar efforts POP up in other states.
"We don't like that type of movement、" he said.
"It was a victory for Koreans in Virginia、but we just hope that there won't be such victories in other states」(後カオリブチョンヨウンサは"日本政府は、このような動きが歓迎されない"としながら"バージニア州の事例は韓国の勝利だが、日本政府はこのような勝利は、他の州で繰り返されないことを希望する」と述べた).
A spokeswoman for the State Department said this week there was no change to US government policy.
"The US Board on Geographic Names 'Standard name for that body of Water is The Sea of Japan.
We understand that the Republic of Korea and others use a different term、but that is the term we use、 "Jennifer Psaki said on Wednesday.
韓国および他の多くの国々が別の名前を書くと知っているが、日本海が私達が使用している名称である」と述べた ).
Tense ties between South Korea and Japan-the two main US allies in Northeast Asia-have frustrated Washington's efforts to form a strong alliance amid rising security risks from a more assertive China and an unpredictable North Korea.
Relations took another blow in December following a visit by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to a controversial war shrine in Tokyo.
昨年12月に日本の首相の信条阿部が論難が多い東京の神社を参拝した後、関係は悪化した ).
The issue of the sea is particularly sensitive because a set of islets roughly halfway between the two countries remain in dispute.
The Liancourt Rocks are controlled by Seoul、which calls them Dokdo.
Tokyo also claims them and calls it Takeshima.
日本もこの島の領有権を主張しており、これを竹島と呼んでいる ).
In August 2012 South Korean President Lee Myung-bak became the first president to visit the rocks.
In January this year、Japan revised guidelines to instruct teachers to describe the islets as being illegally occupied by South Korea.
(2012 年8月、韓国の李明博大統領はこの岩礁を訪問した最初の大統領となった.
今年日月日本は教師にこの島が韓国によって不法に占有されてと教えるように指導指針を修正した ).
South Korea also has been pushing to obtain a new apology and compensation for so-called comfort women、sex slaves who were used by the Japanese military during World War II.
South Korea has more than doubled its budget this year to support and publicize the cause of the 51 surviving women、who average 88-years-old.
Japan says that a 1965 treaty that provided South Korea with compensation for wartime damage covers payouts to the women and has noted a string of formal apologies by senior officials to the women.
officials in Tokyo also maintain that no Evidence EXISTS to prove The Military所属 Directインボルブメントin FORCED recruitment of The women.