Hello everybody!

Autumn has really started and I am enjoying the nice and cool weather!

We have put up the Halloween decorations and are starting to practice our Halloween ABC`s.

For the last couple of weeks we have been working on an exciting role-play. However, this has proved far more challenging than I ever imagined!

The more advanced classes are ready to perform the role-play without a cheat sheet. For the beginner and intermediate classes this will take a little bit longer. But we will keep on practicing, and practice makes perfect!

Besides the role-play we have been very busy working on phonics and reading. I believe that an understanding of written English will help the students to become better speakers.

I will keep you updated on the progress!

I hope everybody is enjoying autumn and the Halloween atmosphere!


こんにちは みなさん

秋がめいてきて、 気持がよく涼しい天候を私は楽しんでいます。


今月最後の数週間はちょっとした楽しい寸劇に取り組んでいます。しかし、私が想像した以上に子供たちにとっては新たな挑戦になっている様子です。応用クラスの生徒たちは台本を見ずに演じる準備はできていますが 中級、初級クラスの生徒たちはもう少し時間が必要みたいです。ですが、あきらめずに練習をしていきます、「習うより慣れろ!」ですね!!


また 近況を報告しますね!

