





Next I visited a city I've always always wanted to visit! Saint Gallen.

The weather was incredible and we had such a perfect day looking around this gorgeous city. 

First we went around with a local Japanese guide! She showed us all the must-see spots and explained everything in detail. Everywhere you look is a photo op! Definitely bring a camera with you!

 Walking around St.Gallen you'll soon realize that people in this town take their windows very seriously! All over town, you can spot beautiful, intricate, unique windows that stick out like this.



Then of course, the Abbey Library. It is very historical and is one of the most important libraries in Europe. 

Inside we can't take pictures, but here's one I got from Swiss Tourism.


However, there's a selfie spot by the entrance, so you can still get a snap of the library. 



It really feels like you time-slipped away when you walk in. It reminded me of Harry Potter or even the library that comes out in "Beauty and the Beast".

They even provide you with slippers as to not damage the floors. 


In the past, St.Gallen was a town where there was rivalry between the Catholics and the Protestants.

こちらはカソリックの教会:Here's their Catholic church:

こちらはプロテスタント教:and here's their Protestant church.


There was even a big wall constructed between the two religions in the middle of the city.

サンクト・ガレンは繊維業で発展した土地でもあります。St.Gallen is also famous for their textiles. 


We had a look at the textile museum. Even now, St.Gallen provides textiles and materials for world class high brands all over the world. They are sought after for their impeccable quality! 


The tour of the city ended with this! The famous St.Gallen sausage! Apparently locals don't use mustard - so you gotta eat it just like that! It comes with bread. Simple but tasty lunch!

Love, love, love
