Hi 皆さん、

今回はThe Glacier Expressの写真!
Hi everyone!
In late May, I went back to Switzerland for a few days and I realized that I hadn't put up any pictures from the trip yet, so let me do so now. 
I'll split them into a few posts so please look forward to the upcoming ones too. 
Today I want to talk about The Glacier Express train. 
The Glacier Express is a brilliantly thought out train with huge windows all the way to the top so that you can enjoy the panoramic views. 
They serve delicious Swiss food on the train !! Even beer and champagne!! 
We were blessed with such amazing weather! 

Usually travel time feels like a waste of time but the glacier express makes it a whole different wonderful experience!! I loved every minute of it!! Since everyone is enjoying and having a great time it's also easy to make new friends. The people next to us were from Sweden. There were Japanese people too! It was a very international train. 
Love love love 