

まずはDNCE! 元ジョナスブラザーズのジョー率いる4人組!今年「Cake by the Ocean」で大ヒットしています!まだEPしかリリースしていないのにアメリカ、イギリスでも大人気!

「Pay my rent 」でショーをオープン!すごいキャーキャーで盛り上がりでした!国際フォーラムでこんなに女の子の叫び声を聞いたのは初めて!

不思議なタイトル、toothbrush は歯ブラシ!歌詞は「歯ブラシをうちに置いてもいいよ!」と言う事!なんか幼くて可愛いですよね!

TLCの「No scrubs 」やプリンスの「Kiss」
James Brown 「Sex machine」

「Cake by the ocean」 で最高の盛り上がり!私も大好きな曲なんですよ!3月にアメリカ行った時向こうのラジオでヘビロテでした!


そして!なんと彼らとのインタビューを今週土曜日午後3時のコスモ・ポップスベスト10でオンエアします!Tokyo FM! 

Today I went to DNCE and Selena Gomez's concert! 

First up, led by former Jonas Brothers - Joe Jonas- DNCE! Their song "Cake by the Ocean" has been such a big hit! They've only released an EP but are tremendously popular already in the US and England. 

They opened the show with "Pay My Rent" and wow! I've never heard so many girls screaming at the Tokyo International Forum! 

Then a favorite of mine "Toothbrush". Funny title - but the lyrics are "leave a toothbrush at my place" quite sweet no? 

They covered a few songs too. Totally loved TLC's "No scrubs" and Prince's "Kiss". 
Kind of funky and Rock but very accessible and fun! I found it quite fresh! 

Then lastly of course "Cake by the ocean". The audience just went wild! Unexpectedly Joe then ran in the audience to the very back! Insanely fun! He ended up throwing his mic stand on stage. Gotta love all the energy! 

AND! We will be airing my interview with DNCE on my radio show Cosmo Pops Best 10 on Tokyo FM this Saturdat 3pm ! Don't miss it ! 




たくさんのダンサーとともにスタージに現れ「Same old love」でショースタート!

「Come and get it」はアレンジがかっこよかったです!

可愛らしいセレーナですが「Good for you」はかなりセクシーなハスキー声!セレーナが髪の毛を激しくトスするところ大好きです!


そして私がセレーナの曲で一番好きなのは「Hands to myself」!


Then of course, pop princess- Selena Gomez! 

She opened her show with "Same old love" and then her arrangement of "Come and get it" was very cool! 

She was super sexy with her slightly husky voice on "Good for you" and my favorite "Hands to myself"! 

She looked beautiful in her long elegant black dress! 

Great show!