まずはイギリス出身のLapsley! まだ19歳とは思えない大人っぽい声!次のアデルとも言われています。
I'm sorry for the delayed post!
I went to Fuji Rock Festival last Friday !
Just love hearing great music in nature!
First up Lapsley! It's really amazing how amazing her voice is - and get this - she's only 19 years.
その後は最近話題を呼んでるThe Internet. 彼らのライブを観て思ったのは"cool!" 彼はCOOLの意味そのものです!歌い方、動き方、弾き方、話し方、衣装もスタイルも!全てがかっこよかったです。
The Internet was also just so good. They've been gaining a lot of momentum recently. Seeing them live, I understood that they epitomize and are the definition of the word "cool". The way they perform, dance, move, speak, their everything.
Another great thing about Fuji Rock is the food! This year I had this amazing Indian curry with a huge naan bread.
The headlining act Sigur Ros was also quite superb. Actually I've interviewed them before for a show.
This time I enjoyed their beautiful music laying down on the grass. What luxury!
And of course lastly came my favorite, Disclosure. These brothers just make such great hits !!