音譜 音譜 音譜

先週は SCOTT & RIVERS のお二人に取材をしました!

Scott Murphyさんは Allisterと言うバンドと日本ではソロとして活躍されています。

Rivers Cuomoさんは Weezerのリードボーカルです。

そんなお二人がユニットを組んで、SCOTT & RIVERS (スコットとリバース) で今年デビューアルバムをリリースします!3/20発売!なんと日本語で歌っています!是非チェックしてください。ちなみに彼らの曲「Homely Girl」は私の頭からはなれません!元気でハッピーになれる曲です!音譜




くまモンもScott and Rivers に会えて、大喜びでした!アップ

このインタビューはスペースシャワーTVの番組「International Flash」で放送します!




くまモン にも会えてこの日はとてもハッピー! かわいすぎるし、動きもとてもキュート!

Last week, I had the amazing opportunity to interview Scott Murphy (Allister) and Rivers Cuomo (Weezer). 

They have joined forces to create Scott & Rivers! They will release their new album this year! It'll be out March 20th. Their songs on this album are in Japanese! Everyone, go check it out! Also, I want to say that their song "Homely Girl" does not leave my head! It's so upbeat and can make anyone happy!! Love it!

For the interview, we had a special surprise guest for them!

KUMAMON! クラッカー

Kumamon is the official mascot of Kumamoto prefecture in Japan and is extremely popular in Japan right now!!

Actually, the reason we invited Kumamon is because Rivers' wife is Japanese and is from Kumamoto!

Kumamon seemed so happy to be able to meet Scott and Rivers. クマ

Check out this extra special interview with Scott & Rivers and Kumamon on my show on Spaceshower TV.目
See the official website here!!

March 4th Monday 19:00 ~ 20:00
March 4th Tuesday 24:00 ~ 25:00 (repeat)

Don't miss it!!
It was such an honor to meet Scott and Rivers. Thank you so much!
Also, it was so fun to meet Kumamon. He is adorable and his movements are too cute!!

Love love love,

ラブラブAMY ラブラブ