昨日はブラジルのシンガーJoyce Moreno のライブをブルーノート東京で観に行きました!音譜





Last night I spend a lovely evening at Blue Note Tokyo listening to the brilliant Brazilian singer Joyce Moreno! 

She wore a beautiful long white dress which perfectly matched her amazing voice. 

She had her first recording session at age 16 and she is now 66 - meaning she has been in the professional musical world for 50 years! Wow!

Her new album 「Raiz」means Roots and during her show she took us back to her musical roots. 


この間わたしのラジオ番組でもオンエアーしました曲「Meu Piao」「私のコマ」と言う意味らしいです!この曲は子供の頃歌っていたそうです!アップテンポで楽しい曲です。




The song "Meu Piao" which we played on my radio show the other day apparently means "my toy top" and she said she used to sing that as a child! Great upbeat song. Fun jazz!

She also had some very moody romantic songs too. I had shivers up my spine. 

Joyce sang while playing her guitar and in her band there was a piano, a cello and her husband on the drums and percussion. 

She also had songs inspired by the Brazilian African culture in Brazil. Such a great mix of cultures and music! 

あとは英語や日本語にはない「r」の発音がすごくかっこよかったです!rrrr の歌い方が真似したくなります!

ジャズ好きな方にはオススメ! Joyce Moreno Best Album "Joyceful". 


I also love the way she rolls her "r"s. Very sexy! 

Please check our her best album "Joyceful" as well as her new album "Raiz"!! 

Love love love