

彼の歌声は気持ちがものすごくこもっていて、パワーを感じます。ニューアルバム「While You Were Sleeping」のタイトルトラックがホセさん一番お気に入りの曲と言っていました。かっこよかったですよ!!

After my live radio show today, I went to Bluenote Tokyo to see the incredible jazz singer José James! We actually featured him on our show a little while back!

It was a brilliant show! 

His singing is so heartfelt and I feel so much energy from his voice. He sang the title track from his new album "While You Were Sleeping". He said on stage that this is his favorite song from the new album! 

私が好きだったのは「Anywhere U Go」。この曲はジャズレジェンドのアリス・コルトレーンにインスパイアされた曲だそうです。ロックっぽいサウンドが最高!

「Come To My Door 」と言う曲もロマンチックで好きです。作曲はエミリー・キング。

I really love his song "Anywhere U Go". This song was apparently inspired by jazz legend Alice Coltrane. I love the rock-ish sound in this song. Very cool. 

I also love "Come To My Door". It's really romantic. This song was written by Emily King. So beautiful!


そして!ショーでびっくりしたのはニルバーナのカバー「Smells Like Teen Spirit」! このロックな曲をジャズアレンジして、最高にクールでした!



I must say that his talking voice is also very sexy! 

A big surprise during the show was his cover of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit"! It was unexpected and he absolutely wowed me! His arrangement was so cool. 

Everyone in the band was incredibly talented and I was especially impressed with the drums. Crazy cool syncopation!

For the encore he sang his hit song "Trouble" and completely brought the house down! 

love love love ドキドキ