

Yesterday I was at Summer Sonic! I go every year and again I had a fantastic time.


まずはピアノデュオ「ア・グレート・ビッグ・ワールド」!彼らのヒット曲「セイ・サムシング」にはMay Jさんが登場!

次きまして、Azealia Banks. エイミーオススメの女性ラッパー。2、3年前から注目してます!かっこいいですよ!

I was able to see so many performances this year.

Starting off with the piano duo A Great Big World! May J came on to sing their hit song "Say Something".

Next I saw one of my favorite female rappers Azealia Banks. I've watched her 3 times already! She is fierce!!

となりのソニックステージでCharli XCX! ヒット曲「Boom Clap」かなり盛り上がりました!

Then we popped over to Sonic stage to see Charli XCX. The audience went crazy for her song "Boom Clap".


Then  I saw Robert Glasper Experiment! It was very chic! Their sound fuses modern jazz with hip hop and R&B. They will be performing at Billboard Live Tokyo this week!

そのあとはガーデンステージで日本のスカバンドSoil and Pimp Sessions を見ました!ものすごい盛り上がりでした!私もずーっと踊っていました!楽しかった!

Then  I went all the way to the Garden Stage to see Soil and Pimp Sessions, a  great Japanese ska band. I love live ska bands and the audience were loving it!! I was dancing away the whole time!! So much fun!!



Then we went back to the Mountain Stage to see Ellie Goulding!

She  is the queen of EDM vocals!! She was really cute on stage! She has such  a unique beautiful voice, you can tell it's her right away! During the show she was also killing it on the drums!!


ヒット曲連発のパーフォーマンスでした!彼女が着ていたジャケットには "I love Japan" と書いていました!

Then of course, Avril Lavigne!

She sang hit after hit and she wore a jacket that said "I love Japan" on the back!



Next  I saw the incredible Acapella group Pentatonix! Wow! I was so entertained! I especially loved their arrangement during their Beyonce medley! It's really impressive what just five voices can do! Can't wait to see them live again!

Of course their voices were amazing but how they moved and used the stage was very cool and I was blown away.





一 番最高な瞬間は、「ボヘミアンラプソディー」でアダムが歌い始めましたが、途中から大画面にフレディーが歌いだした時です。フレディーは本当に偉大なシン ガーでしたね!画面でフレディー、そしてステージで演奏する ブライアン・メイとドラムのロジャー・テイラーを同時に見ると、感動しました!

彼が亡くなっても、曲は生き続けています。「Crazy Little Thing Called Love 」「We Will Rock You」「We Are The Champions」すごい曲ばかりですね。

Summer Sonic this year ended with the legendary Queen. Adam Lambert sang the vocals for Freddie Mercury.

I  have been following Adam since he first started on American Idol. It's incredible that he is sharing the stage now with Queen!

What a great show! I was blown away and I was singing the whole time!

The  best moment was probably during "Bohemian Rapsody". Adam started singing and then suddenly Freddie appeared on the huge screen. What a musical god.

Watching Freddie and then seeing Brian May and Roger Taylor on the stage brought me to tears.

Music  that will live and reign forever. The show ended with "Crazy Little Thing Called Love", "We Will Rock You" "We are the Champions".

Such a great day.


love love love