Hey Ho! Let'g GO! Kobore Music Festa! | 大阪SCサークルなう



Hello, everyone! 


Even though we had a few cold days,


finally Spring🌸 has come! Yeah!


Tomorrow, on March thirty-first 


at Open University of Japan 


Osaka Study Center,


we are going to held the music event called


The Fifth Kobore Music Festa


These three circles 


Chorus Circle

SC Osaka Singing Club-Art song lovers

Band Koboriend's

 from Osaka SC will perform singing and playing!


And this year we welcome a circle from Hyogo SC





Hope you'll come to our music event!


I'm sure you'll have a lot of FUN with us!









At the end, we'll sing the song "Sarai", which was 


written by a great musician, Tanimura Shinji,


who sadly passed away last year. This one is for


our tribute to the singer.


☆The Fifth Kobore Music Festa


Date : March thirty-first 2024, Sunday 


Place : Open University of Japan,

            Osaka Study Center (Tennoji)

Performers :

  Chorus Circle

      SC Osaka Singing Club-Art song lovers

  Band Koboriend's

       And Utagoe(Hyogo SC)               




日 時:2024年3月31日(日) 12:00-14:00

    開場 11:30 開演 12:00

会 場:放送大学大阪学習センター 7階第一講義室

出 演:コーラスサークル、歌曲の会、軽音倶楽部
