⇒ 大阪の下町情緒あふれる民泊でディープな大阪を体験!


住吉の家(Azuma House) 


住所 : 大阪市住吉区住吉2丁目(個人宅のため番地は非公開)

アクセス : 阪堺線「細井川駅」より徒歩2分
























  • 1941 大阪に生まれる。
  • 1962-69 独学で建築を学ぶ。アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アフリカを旅行
  • 1969 安藤忠雄建築研究所を設立。
  • 1987年、イェール大学客員教授に就任
  • 1988年、コロンビア大学客員教授に就任
  • 1989年、ハーバード大学客員教授に就任
  • 1997年、東京大学工学部教授に就任
  • 2002年、南カリフォルニア大学客員教授に就任
  • 2003年、東京大学を定年退官、名誉教授
  • 2005年、東京大学から特別栄誉教授の終身称号を授与受賞暦











⇒ 大阪の下町情緒あふれる民泊でディープな大阪を体験!



Tadao Ando's Sumiyoshi House (Azuma House)

This house is one of the earliest works of  Tadao Ando. The Row House in Sumiyoshi is better known on the nme Azuma House. 



This building is located in Sumiyoshi Ward (Osaka, Japan). The house is split into a spaces devoted to daily life (composed of an austere geometry) by the insertion of an abstract space for the games of wind and light. 



His goal was to introduce a question on the inertia that has invaded human dwellings. This building replaces one of the traditional houses in the area built in wood. While this area is not the most chaotic of the city, there is a clear contrast between this “concrete box” and its surrounding buildings. Built between medians, this apartment is perched on a lot of 57.3 m². The total square fottage of 64.7 m² is divided into three equal sections: two floors and a patio.



This box of concrete occupies the entire site. The building, centripetal as far as its organization, has a tripartite structure centered around an uncovered patio.



In this house the two main spaces were daily activity happens are divided by the insertion of an abstract middle space were light and wind become the protagonists. Ando’s goal was to question the direction that the human habitat had been taking during the last decades.


Thanks to the Azuma House, Ando received the award from the Japan Association of Architecture in 1976.



Located in Sumiyoshi, Osaka, the Azuma House replaces one of the traditional houses in the area built in wood. While this area is not the most chaotic in the city, there is a clear contrast between this “concrete box” and its surrounding buildings.



Built between walls from its neighbor buildings the house stands on a 57.3 m² lot, with a total built-up area of 64.7 m² divided into three parts as you move from the street to the back of the plot, one built, one void which makes for the central patio and another built.


The kitchen and living room are located on the ground floor, separated by the patio which also acts as a connection between the ground floor and first floor as it hosts the staircase. On the upper floor there are to bedrooms communicated by a walkway through the patio.


The patio serves as the vertebral spine of the house and the home, separating spaces but also connecting them visually. On the ground floor the patio separates the living room from the dining room, kitchen and a bathroom, whereas on the first floor it separates the kids bedroom from the master bedroom.



The patio has no roof and is the only source of natural light that the living spaces get as the house has a completely blind concrete façade that’s only interrupted by the entry door and gives no clue as for what might be hiding behind it.


The house predominant and most obvious construction material is reinforced concrete, which is left exposed on the front façade creating the iconic image of this house.


Azuma House is 2 minutes walk from Hankai Line Hosoigawa station. This station is 3 minutes ride from Hankai Line Abikomichi station which is 12 minutes walk from my airbnb.


20 minutes walk from my airbnb.


This is private owned house. So adress is not disclosed, however you can find it if you would walk around 2 Chome-13 Sumiyoshi, Sumiyoshi-ku.




⇒ Experience Osaka!