Loud thunderstorm woke me up at 6 this morning! so I had to spend 3 hours being awake (slow breakfast, checking e-mails, and making lunch since i expected that I wouldn't be able to come home during lunch time) instead of sleeping. I could have slept 3 more hours!!! Sigh... I enjoyed that unusual morning pretty much though.


Recently, I keep going to the field to mainly water those plants. I also sow seeds, dig the soil and make it softer, and so on... and it's TOO HOT TO DO ANYTHING that I cannot stay there and keep doing things for like an hour! Because of that, I go there at 5pm, when the sun is about to be setting. That makes me have no time to do a lot of things at the same time and I have to keep going to the field every 3 or 4 days... haha I wonder how long does it take till I feel the cool breeze drying my sweat on my shirt...


A friend of mine from the USA was visitting Japan for study abroad for a year. Before he came back, we went to the field and sowed seeds and planted flowers. I doubt those flowes are going to last until December, but I hope they do!ガーベラ I look forward to seeing those flowers and sending him pics of them ニヤリ



These are for fertilising the soil, but I actually like them:) I suppose that people cut those into small pieces and mix with soil when they grow bigger, but i might keep a few of them until winter and let him see how big they grew! 笑い泣き



Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoy your day! ;)