
明日はC123の修了式です (*´꒳`*)

最終調整をしました ٩( 'ω' )و!


こんな感じで〜すっ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ笑

Safety Demo Performance


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today you are traveling in training 

room 2 and it is important that 

you are familiar with the safety 

features of the room. 

Even if you attend graduation 

ceremonies frequently, we would 

appreciate your attention for just 

a few minutes.

Having your seat belt done up 

low and tight is essential to make 

you stay until the end of our 


To do it up, put the clasp in the 

buckle and tighten as shown.


3 doing demo will fasten 

extension/infant seatbelts 

around chair leg and audience leg


Under your seat, you will find 

a fan which you can use to cool 

yourself down if and when 

the room gets a little warm and 



3 doing demo will start fanning 

themselves and the audience, while 

showing the fans under the chairs.


Training room 2 has 3 emergency 

exits. 1 door at the back of the room 

and 2 window at the front of 

the room. I

f you choose to exit through 

the window, please do so at your 

own risk.

The crew will also point out lights 

that illuminate the room for you 

to find your way. 


3 doing demo will point at the door 

and then window. 

Then, the ceiling lights


Should oxygen be required, 

we DO NOT provide portable oxygen. Please call 995.

Life jackets are NOT located 

under the seat as they will be of 

no use in training room 2. 

To prepare for further entertainment, please ensure that you are seated 

comfortably, your phone is turned 

to silent mode and you have left 

some room in your tummy 

to enjoy our scrumptious spread. 

Smoking, including vaping and 

the use of electronic cigarettes 

in any part of this classroom is 


Thank you for your attention and 

enjoy the rest of the show.


2 doing demo will cross their arms 

in front to show no oxygen and then 

take out their mobile to pretend 

dialling 995. 

walk down the aisle to check on 

audience ensuring they are 


しっかりと練習しました ٩( 'ω' )و 〜♡