by A


We all in love with someone. When you are in love with someone, you perhaps got blind and couldn’t see the reality clearly. Sometimes, you act weirdly. Sometimes, you become impulse. One of my friends has a crush on a smart guy. She met him through her friends and immediately fell in love with him. Simultaneously, she declared how she feels about him to the said person. Everybody was surprised. Some reassessed her personality as a how-brave-she-is type of a girl. Unfortunately, she was one of the nono girls, which means that she was out of his taste. Besides, he just left from a committed relationship, so he gracefully enjoys his single life. He is the exempt from serious commitment now. How could she get him under such a circumstance? Well, there is a way as Audrey Hepburn says, “Nothing is impossible as the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” Good luck for her.


–it is a fiction.